public GuiPrototypeScreen1() {
        GuiPrototypeScreen1Layout customLayout = new GuiPrototypeScreen1Layout();

        Object[] possibleValues = { "Search", "Contribute" };
        Object selectedValue = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
        "Do you want to ", "Welcome",
        JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null,
        possibleValues, possibleValues[0]);

Hey guys
i need help because i am completly stuck. All i want is when a string is selected to redirect me to another Gui. I have no clue how Action listeners work on JOptionPane

Thanks in advance

All i want is when a string is selected to redirect me to another Gui.

You could test what is returned by the showInputDialog method to select the other GUI.

Check which button the user clicked on, then create your new JFrame and call .setVisible(true) on it.

i am still not sure what to do guys! i am a beginner in java

please read tutorial and if you will be real question then ask ...

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