So I cant get the division to work on my c++ homework.
This is a diceroll game and im trying to get sum1=num1/diceRoll to get the percentage of # of times divided by the amount of time the dice is being rolled. It keeps giving me 0 because I assigned num1 to equal 0 which makes sense but it won't let me do without the 0. Any suggestions?? Thanks!


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int main ()
	const int maxDice =6;
	int diceRoll;
	int rolled;
	int dice = 1;
	int num;
	int num1=0;
	int num2=0;
	int num3=0;
	int num4=0;
	int num5=0;
	int num6=0;
	double sum1;
	 srand ((unsigned int)time(NULL));

	cout << "How many times would you like to roll the dice? ";
	cin >> diceRoll;

	for (rolled = 1; rolled <=diceRoll; rolled++)
	num = rand() %6 +1;

	if (num == 1)


	else if (num == 2)

	else if (num==3)

	else if (num==4)

	else if (num==5)

	else if (num==6)

	cout << "# Rolled         # Times           % Times" << endl;

	sum1= num1/diceRoll;

	cout << "1\t\t"<< num1  << "			" << sum1 << endl ;
	cout << "2\t\t" << num2 << endl << "2\t\t"<< num3 << endl;
	cout << "4\t\t" <<num4 << endl <<"5\t\t" << num5 << endl << "6\t\t" << num6 << endl;

	system ("PAUSE");
	return 0;

I don't know what you're asking, could you be a little more clear?

I don't know what you're asking, could you be a little more clear?

Basically I'm trying to do divison and all it gives me is zero. So if you actually compile the program it gives you a number where it says "# Times" which is "num1" and that is a random number. All i'm trying to do is divide that "num1" number with the number the user inputs assigned as "diceRoll"

what is the value of num1 before you try the division? Use a cout statement to see what it is.

Or see the link in my signature about debuggin (youtube) if you use VS.

num1 gives a different number everytime since I am using the srand function but after hours of trying so hard I was able tofigure it out. The reason why I was getting a 0 all the time as an output is because diceRoll was an int and not a double. Now I am trying to figure out how to align the math work by decimal. This is what I tried

cout << "   1\t\t" << "\t  " << num1 << "			" << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(2) << num1/diceRoll*100 << " %" << endl;
	cout << "   2\t\t" << "\t  " << num2 << "			" << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(2) << num2/diceRoll*100 << " %" << endl;
	cout << "   3\t\t" << "\t  " << num3 << "			" << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(2) << num3/diceRoll*100 << " %" << endl;
	cout << "   4\t\t" << "\t  " << num4 << "			" << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(2) << num4/diceRoll*100 << " %" << endl;

this still won't align them by decimal places I'm not sure why

Is this for yahtzee???

Is this for yahtzee???

No it's just a c++ program im doing on visual studio for homework

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