How can we access hard disk addresses from c language, accessing ram address is easy? Also can we access MBR of NTFS through c , just a bit dissusion required for starting my work? Thank You All in Advance.....

How can we access hard disk addresses from c language, accessing ram address is easy? Also can we access MBR of NTFS through c , just a bit dissusion required for starting my work? Thank You All in Advance.....

It is very much OS specific. What exactly are you after?

I want to read the boot sector of hard disk. And i think i found a way to do this....
But still any help will be appreciated...

Let me rephrase. Is there an OS involved, or you need to go through BIOS, or directly drive the disc controller?

I am going through bios..... So can u help me regarding this?

I still don't understand your setup. Is there an OS involved; if so, which one?
And what exactly is a problem?

I simply want to make a software which is dos based and can read harddisk address.....

> dos based

Check out int86() function. Any compiler targeting dos shoud provide it. Int 13 is all you need.

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