please help me.. contribute some codes for indegree and outdegree .. i need it badly

please help me.. contribute some codes for indegree and outdegree .. i need it badly

How about you contributing what you have so far.

How about you contributing what you have so far.

sorry.. i thought you would help .. i never post here again..

sorry.. i thought you would help .. i never post here again..

The forum rules stipulate that the posters must show some effort by posting what he/she has accomplished so far...If that's asking too much then adios amigo.

It's not so much about we don't wanna give you the answer without you putting any thought into it, but the fact that you won't learn anything and you will probably be asking the same question around this time next year.

Give it a shot and there are people that will help guide you or fix up what you have to get it working (if there was effort put in by you and you are stuck).

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