Hey there.

I'm planning to develop a software for my father's business.

The software is very simple, it has two tables.

1. Stock
2. Sale

Whenever stock arrives, the quantity and content will be added to Stock table.. Structure is something like

1. Stock Table
| Brand | Quantity | Rate | Balance |

2. Sale table - (whenever customer purchase something, it will be deducted from Stock Table)
| Brand | Sold Quantity | Rate | Balance |

I'm very good with Basic Java programming, I can use Swing, JOption Pane kinda GUI things. If I want, I can develop whole software in Swing.

Now the problem is. I don't know where to store those tables with regular updated values. Use of file handling is bad approach. I need something like Database but the software is just for offline use.

I've worked with MySQL, Access etc database along with Java. But is there any STRONG OFFLINE Database? How is Java DB? I need a simple GUI with only 2 forms and processing between them.


I've worked with MySQL, Access etc database along with Java. But is there any STRONG OFFLINE Database? How is Java DB? I need a simple GUI with only 2 forms and processing between them.

Your reasoning is weak, any of above can be used as "Offline database" if you leave them in default setup since they will be only accessible for local setup.
I suggest that you rethink your arguments and what you expect of this database.
You may look at it as having;

  1. server-bound database, database is not part of application, it is installed on local machine separetly and if you want to use it on different machine yu need to take back-up from a machine that is already running and import it on any new instance. Traditional databases like MySQL, MS SQL, Postgres are in this category
  2. serverless database, makes your application bigger because you need to include database, but then you can "hop" machines. SQLite, Java DB etc

I know, if I develop an application based on MySQL or Access I'll have to setup the database on each engine separately.

That's why I'm asking if I can build an app with integrated database. Will Java DB help me with that?

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