I'm trying to call two methods from main but I'm not sure how to do it.

I know the program isn't completed but I want to get this done first so I can test whether it's working correctly.

Could anyone help me out?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void print_triangle_info(int area(), int perimeter());
void print_square_info(int area(), int perimeter());

static int a = 3;
static int b = 4;
static int c = 5;

int main(void) {

  // Tried many different combinations, but doesn't seem to work
  print_triangle_info(area, perimeter);
  print_square_info(area(), perimeter());

void print_triangle_info(int area(), int perimeter()) {
int x = 1/2 * b * c;

void print_square_info(int area(), int perimeter()) {


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I'm trying to call two methods from main but I'm not sure how to do it.

Next, you're doing C. There are no methods. C has functions.

void print_triangle_info(int area(), int perimeter()) {
int x = 1/2 * b * c;

Where are area, perimeter, and x defined?
Why are you passing in area and perimeter and not using them?

void print_triangle_info(int area(), int perimeter());
void print_square_info(int area(), int perimeter());

Are 'area' and 'perimeter' functions? If not, why give parentheses after them.the correct form of prototyping will be:

void print_triangle_info(int, int);
void print_square_info(int,int);//takes two integers as arguments and return nothing(void)

and then their definitions

void print_triangle_info(int area, int perimeter) {//no parentheses after area and perimeter
//Now make use of the area and perimeter to print "triangle info"

and then call them from 'main'

int main(void) {
//calculate area and perimeter here or create functions to calculate them outside the 'main'

print_triangle_info(area, perimeter);
print_square_info(area, perimeter);

@ WaltP- Wow, that was quick!

commented: Thank you for the heads up! +2
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