Guys,i want a small help from you.I have a created a database in MS Access and now i want to connect it to with Java Application by using ODBC Administartor.But when opens it,it doesn't show any driver for MS Access DBs.Do u guys know any driver for that.I'm using Windows 7 64-bit version.Please help me ASAP...

You can use the Ms Access database driver already available on ur computer. Just setup up the datasource using the "Setup data sources" option in Administrative tools.

Use Jdbc Odbc connectivity for this. Let us know if you need more detailed info. If you post your code we can give more specific information for you.

Actually it doesn't show a driver for MS Access.That's the problem.It just shows drivers for SQL,MySql & Oracle.

Can u see the driver under drivers list?? (under drivers tab)? if so then u shud be able to add the data source using the Add button...

And have u installed Ms Access properly? Try reinstalling it..

no it doesn't show.Yes Ihave installed Office 2007 pack properly.But i saw some forums have mentioned,there is an issue of MS Access with Windows 7 64-bit version.Is it?

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