// Node .h
    #ifndef NODE_H_INCLUDED
    #define NODE_H_INCLUDED
    # include <iostream>
    using namespace std ;
    class Node
            int object ;
            Node *nextNode ;
            Node() ;
            void setObject(int x) ;
            void setNext(Node *next) ;
            int getObject() ;
            Node *getNext() ;
    } ;
    #endif // NODE_H_INCLUDED
    // Node.cpp
    # include "Node.h"
        object = -1 ;
        nextNode = NULL ;
    void Node::setObject(int x)
        object = x ;
    void Node::setNext(Node *next)
        this -> nextNode = next ;
    int Node::getObject()
        return object ;
    Node *Node::getNext()
        return nextNode ;
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // Stack.h
    #ifndef STACK_H_INCLUDED
    #define STACK_H_INCLUDED
    # include "Node.cpp"
    class Stack
            int topElement ;
            Node *headNode ;
            Stack() ;
            void push(int x) ;
            int pop() ;
            bool isEmpty() ;
            int top() ;
    } ;
    #endif // STACK_H_INCLUDED
    // Stack.cpp
    # include "Stack.h"
        topElement = -1 ;
        headNode = NULL ;
    void Stack::push(int x)
        Node *newNode = new Node() ;
        newNode->setObject(x) ;
        newNode->setNext(headNode) ;
        headNode = newNode ;
    int Stack::pop()
        if (!isEmpty())
            int e = headNode->getObject() ;
            Node *temp =  headNode ;
            headNode = headNode->getNext() ;
            delete temp ;
            return e ;
            cout << "Stack Empty !!! " ;
    bool Stack::isEmpty()
        if (headNode==NULL)
            return true ;
        else return false ;
    int Stack::top()
        if (headNode != NULL)
            return (headNode->getObject()) ;
        else cout << "Stack is Empty !" << endl ;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    // inputPostFix.cpp
    # include <string.h>
    # include "Stack.cpp"
    void postFixEntring()
        string userInput , str;
        cout << "Enter postfix expression to evaluate : " ;
        getline(cin,userInput) ;
        char *c , *p ;
        c = new char [userInput.size()+1] ;
        strcpy(c,userInput.c_str()) ;
        Stack myStack ;
        p = strtok(c," ") ;
        while(p !=NULL)
           cout << p << endl ;
           if (p != "+" )
                int y = atoi(p) ;
                myStack.push() ;
            else if (p == "+")
                int operend1 , operend2, result ;
                operend2 = myStack.pop() ;
                operend1 = myStack.pop() ;
                result = operend1 + operend2 ;
                myStack.push(result) ;
                cout << "in else if" << result ;
            p = strtok(NULL," ") ;
        delete c ;
        cout << endl << endl ;
        cout << myStack.pop() << endl ;
        cout << myStack.pop() << endl ;
    // main() 
    # include "entringPostfixFunction.cpp"
    int main()
        postFixEntring() ;
        char userDecission ;
            cout << "Do you want to enter another postfix expression to evaluate? [Y/N] : "  ;
            cin >> userDecission ;
            if (userDecission == 'Y' || userDecission =='y')
                postFixEntring() ;
            else if (userDecission == 'n' || userDecission == 'N')
                break ;
                cout << "Please Enter Correct option ! " << endl << endl ;

Is there a question in here?

1) this program gives me error when i press Y for again.
2) I want to give an error message to user when user enter invalid postfix expression . I dont know how to implement. plzzzz tell me.

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