hi everyone
I have been programing in c++ for a while now, but I'm asked to write project in c#,
so is hard to learn it ?? also I have never wrote a program with interface , so is it possible to write console application then build the interface ?
and I would appreciate it you give me some links to learn c#.
thanks in advance

Hello alaa_sam,

C# isn't that hard to learn, especially when you come from C++. In fact I found it very easy. And yes, you can write a console application to open forms and such (if that is what you mean).

Here are some tutorials to begin with:

commented: Simple, effective solution +7
commented: Good advice! +14

I ALSO learned it by just hacking (at first) and watching others code in videos on DNRTV.

I knew C++ and a little Java, so that really helped in understanding.

Buy a book like C# 4.0: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt

=> Three
what I meant is that if I wrote my code as a console application Can I easily change it to windows application by building the forms ??
and thanks a lot for your attention all

I bought a book on C# and read most of it one day, the knowledge seemed to sort of sink in once I wanted to use C# for some small projects.

=> Three
what I meant is that if I wrote my code as a console application Can I easily change it to windows application by building the forms ??
and thanks a lot for your attention all

The code you use in a console application is exactly the same that you can use in a forms application. The only diffrence is the GUI.

=> Three
what I meant is that if I wrote my code as a console application Can I easily change it to windows application by building the forms ??
and thanks a lot for your attention all

Yes you can. I wouldn't recommewnd it, as you'll need to tie your program logic into the form, which can be confusing if you've designed it around a console.

You will eventually learn to write your code so the display is just for input/output and does not interfere with the logic of the program.

After some time, you will write a lot of your code that has no UI at all; it will just return values -- that way, the display or output mechanism won't matter at all. You'll compuile the assemblies in DLL form and reference them from any project you need (web, WinForm, Console, etc.).

Thanks alot you really helped a lot

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