hi all,
Is there simple example out there where image is made by drawing
lines on the panel ,and then print it on paper

thank you

Do you mean something like microsoft Paint? In that case it's pretty easy to find some examples.

If it isn't, you're going to have to be a bit more specific.

hello Aviras
I create code ,but find difficulties,after I have a code to print "drawstring bla bla bla , draw rectangle bla bla bla,drawline bla bla bla".I then want to make a print view for it.The idea is to create a panel then create image exactly the same as I want to print on that panel.
It is the panel I want to show as print preview.My difficulties is to create a panel
which is separated from the main form,it is lay on other frame,any suggestion ?
Or point me to any example I can use (even only the idea from it).

thank you

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