Hello, i have eclipse and in my laptop and i have a little problem when i call functions,

example: when i create an button and i want to change size...

Button b = new Button();


this is my problem, why eclipse show me as arg0, arg1 and not like width, height
I use eclipse in other computer and it show me normaly, but in my laptop all parameters are like

(String arg0, int arg0, Event arg0, Color arg0...)

any solution?

YG: Because im new in java, parameters names are importand for me to learn how things works - what functions takes;p

YG: Here are 2 pictures that show what i mean, pictures taked in library pcs were everything work fine.


IMHO you are using this facility in the wrong way. It's not there to explain API methods or to document them, it's just an aid for people who already know what they want. In other words it's a tool for experts, not beginners. You should always refer to the API JavaDoc to learn what methods do and what their arguments must be.

As for arg0 vs proper name. As far as I can see Eclipse uses the info in the .class file to show you the number and types of the arguments as quickly as possible. It will subsequently access the JavaDoc to give more details (including the meaningful arg names) as required, but this takes longer. Once you have displayed the detailed info for a particular method, the next time it pops up in the autocomplete suggestions it will use the proper names.

Thank you for your answer,

Im not totaly newbie, i know little* C/C++ Console, and i can say i know enought C#, and as you know JAVA/C# are "about" sames in syntax;p
Im not creating "HelloWorld" in java ;p, atm i trying to learn librarys, wich library have what and im learning also basic functions for controls ;p.

The problem in laptop was java, Eclipse was linked to jre, i change it to JDK/Jre and works fine.

OK, that makes sense because that gives it access to the JavaDoc.
I'm sorry if I underestimated your experience level. No insult intended.

OK, that makes sense because that gives it access to the JavaDoc.
I'm sorry if I underestimated your experience level. No insult intended.

Everything is ok ;p,
About my exp-level, that im not newbie dont means i know to code, im just 1-2 lvls+ from newbies ;p anyway, its ok to call me "Begginer" ;p thats the truth ;p and i dont have any problem because simply is the truth ;p

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