this project is an order processing prograam for a flower shop

Orders are checked to see how the payment is to be made. Orders may be prepaid or, if the customer
has a good credit line, they must be invoiced. Credit must be refused if the customer has paid late more
than 3 times in the last year, if the customer has any outstanding orders more than 90 days past their
payment date, or if the customer does less than $10,000.00 of business in the last two years. The
invoice is sent out on receipt of the order and the order is not considered closed until it is paid.

i am still lack proper know how in java so i tried something but it looks so wrong.
but the only error i am getting ie about putting them in different file.

import java.util.*;

public class Payment {
	int PaymentId;
	String Date;
	double Total;
	int Business_in_two_years;
	int times_per_year;
	int days;
	//d represents days and t represents times per year
	public Payment(){
		for(times_per_year = 1; times_per_year < 3; times_per_year++){
			System.out.println("Credit Approved");
		for(days = 1; days < 90; days++){
			System.out.println("credit Approved");
		for(Business_in_two_years = 1; Business_in_two_years < 10000; Business_in_two_years++ ){
			System.out.println("Credit Approved");
	public String details(){
		return "you are paying by Cash or Cheque or Received Credit ";


public abstract class ComponentDecorator extends Payment{
	public abstract String details();

public class Credit extends ComponentDecorator{
	Payment payment;
	public Credit (Payment p){
		Payment  c;
		//customers paying late more than three times a year or an outstanding or more than 90 days//
		//if(Payment < 3 times_per_year || < 90 days || < 10000)
	//	{
		//	System.out.println("Credit Approved");
	//	}
		//	System.out.println("No Credit");
	public String details(){
		return payment.details() + "credit";

public class Cheque extends ComponentDecorator{
	Payment payment;
	public Cheque(Payment p){
		Payment  c;
	public String details(){
		return payment.details() + "cheque";

public class Cash extends ComponentDecorator{
	 int c;
	Payment payment;
	public Cash(Payment c){
		Payment  c1;
	public String details(){
		return payment.details() + "cash";

can any one assist

the only error i am getting

Please post the full text of the error messages and your questions.

Also, please post all your code. Where do you have your main method?

here is the error concerning the code
.\ ComponentDecorator is public, should be declared in a file named
public abstract class ComponentDecorator extends Payment{
the error is pointing at the c in class next to anstract.

here is the main

public class OrderProcess {

	public static void main(String[]args){

		 Welcome window = new Welcome();


		Order order = new Order();

		SalesClerk sales = new SalesClerk();

		Product product = new Product();

		Customer customer = new Customer();

		Warehouse warehouse = new Warehouse();

		Payment payment = new Payment();

		SalesClerk clerk = new SalesClerk();



ComponentDecorator is public,

There can only be one class declared as public in a java source file.

should be declared in a file named

The compiler wants you to create a new source file:
to hold the public class: ComponentDecorator

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