how trigger an event on specific time of day .net

Look into setting up cron jobs or scheduled tasks on your server. For a web page you can set a scheduled task to run at certain times, calling the web page and thereby running any scripts that are part of the page.
If you are coding a program to run on your computer, look at making a windows service which can be called at set times.

If this is a console app or other app that runs unassisted, you can use the windows scheduler.
This can be done from the command-line with the "at" command.

Examine this:

at 05:05 /every:M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su c:\bin\ImportTrunkPlanData\ImportTrunkPlanData.exe

Means at 5:05 every day, run the executable.

If it requires parameters, you will need to put it in a batch file and call the batch file from "at".

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