Hello there,ihave given the assigment to make the c program to print the asterisks to represent the grades..

My question is , why the asteriks does not appear ? I think i got problem at the looping for asterisk..
actually my output should be like this :

the graph such that 50 asterisks correspond to 100 percent (each one corresponds to 2 percent), the horizontal axis goes from 0 to 100 percent with 10 percent in each increment, and each line for data is labeled with letter grade

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
| | | | | | | | | | |
**** A
************** B
********************* C
******* D
**** F

This is my code..

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()

double Acent,Bcent,Ccent,Dcent,Fcent ;
int a,b,c,d,f,total ;
printf ("Please enter how many grade A's\n");
scanf  ("%d", &a) ;
printf ("Please enter how many grade B's\n");
scanf  ("%d", &b) ;
printf ("Please enter how many grade C's\n");
scanf  ("%d", &c)  ;
printf ("Please enter how many grade D's\n");
scanf  ("%d", &d) ;
printf ("Please enter how many grade F's\n");
scanf  ("%d", &f) ;
total  =a+b+c+d+f ;

printf (" \n");
printf (" TOTAL GRADES ENTERED = %d\n", total);

Acent  = a / total * 100  ;
Bcent = b /  total * 100  ;
Ccent = c   / total * 100 ;
Dcent = d  / total * 100  ;
Fcent = f / total * 100   ;

printf ("\n"); //End Line.
//Scale to assist user
printf ("0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100\n");
printf ("|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |\n");
printf ("***************************************************\n");

int loopcounter ;
int asteriskcounter ;

double array[5] = {Acent,Bcent,Ccent,Dcent,Fcent}; //stores grades as percentage
char array2[5]  = {'A','B','C','D','F'}; //stores letters a-f

for(loopcounter=0; loopcounter<5; loopcounter++) // loop for each grade
printf (" ");

for(asteriskcounter=0; asteriskcounter<array[loopcounter]/2; asteriskcounter++)// loop to output each asterisk

printf ("*");

printf ("  %c\n", array2[loopcounter]); // print the grade after the asterisks
printf ("\n");

getch ();
return 0 ;

Sorry, I'm not reading code that isn't formatted. See this.

hmm sory what do you mean by code that isn't formatted.?

hmm sory what do you mean by code that isn't formatted.?

There's a link posted on WaitP's post

Anyway check the Values of Acent to Fcent...did you notice that their output is 0

Sorry for my code that does not following the format..
Where do you notice that the output is zero? I try looking at my code but cant figure it out.
I'm very new to C programming so sorry... if i come
across as stupid!

Sorry for my code that does not following the format..
Where do you notice that the output is zero? I try looking at my code but cant figure it out.
I'm very new to C programming so sorry... if i come
across as stupid!

Acent  = a / total * 100  ;

right after this line printout Acent's value

Oh my god..thank you..yes you are right..the value is 0.0000..
what am I doing wrong? should I change the double to the float or somthing ?

your dividing a double from an int... change total's data type to double

Thanks you very much :) for your suggestion..
By the way I try to change the equation :

Acent = (a*100)/total  ;
Bcent = (b*100)/total  ;
Ccent = (c*100)/total ;
Dcent = (d*100)/total  ;
Fcent = (f*100)/total   ;
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