I trying to get the hang of link list, but very time a write one i fail miserably...

struct node
	int data;
	node *next;

int main()
	node *head = new node;
	head = NULL;
	node *temp = head;

	//node 1
	temp->data = 1;
	temp->next = NULL;
	temp = temp->next; 

	//node 2
	temp->data = 2;
	temp->next = NULL;

	temp = head;
	while(temp != NULL)
		cout << temp->data;
		temp = temp->next;
   return 0;

please tell me what i'm doing wrong.

node *head = new node();

...then after calling new, you're setting it to

node *head = new node();

...then after calling new, you're setting it to

i removed that part of the code, but it still says the error is when i make temp->data = 1; in the first node.

Keep in mind: what you're trying to do is create a chain with a dead-end.
You can do that by creating a number of objects up-front or by creating a dynamic list that has a dead-end.
Each dead-end becomes a new link when you call new node() on it.

You can even make it circular by changing the node address of the dead-end to be the first node.


int main()
	node *head = new node;
	//head = NULL;
	node *temp = head;

	//node 1
	temp->data = 1;
	temp = temp->next;// temp->next is null;

	//node 2
	temp = new node;
	temp->data = 2;
	temp->next = NULL;

	temp = head;
	while(temp != NULL)
		cout << temp->data;
		temp = temp->next;
   return 0;

Ok thanks, i think i have the hang of it.

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