hy all,
i'm trying to make a simple web browser using windows forms to connect to an FTP server.
Everyting works ok. the problem is when a try to enter into a folder the Iexplorer opens with the content instead of the same program window. i have searched for a few hours but i can't find anything.

PS: i'm using webBrowser from toolbox.

I believe the web browser control has a NewWindow event you can look into. I don't deal too much with web browsing.

I believe the web browser control has a NewWindow event you can look into. I don't deal too much with web browsing.

it's true, but i don't know what to do with it.

webbrowser.newwindow - occurs before a new window is opened.

I thought it was after it opens? You could just inspect all properties and events that deal with the web browser, that's what I used to do.

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