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Hi everyone, I hope you can help me with this. I have everything in my code working properly except for the fact that the payment amounts are being displayed in the command window and I need to display them in the text area, as well as adding scroll bars to the text area. I have been scouring google and I just can't seem to find a way to move the results to the text area, so any help you could give would be much appreciated!

I realize that I am telling the results to go to the command window by using the System.out.printf but I just can't figure out how or what to change that to??

To Clarify, I need help with two things:
1. Move results from command window to textArea
2. Add scroll bars to textArea

Thanks, you all are awesome!

Here is my code:

//import necessary libraries
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;

public class PaymentCalculatorWeek3 extends JPanel {

	//Declare all variables to be used
    private JButton button1;
    private JButton button2;
    private JButton button3;
	private JLabel label1;
    private JLabel label2;
    private JLabel label3;
    private JTextField textField1;
    private JTextField textField2;
	private JTextArea textArea1;
	private JComboBox termList;

    double[] interest = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75}; 
    int[] term = {7, 15, 30};             
    double numMonths = 0;				
    double monthlyInterest = 0;			
    double monthlyPayment = 0;				
	double principlePayment = 0;	 
	double interestPayment = 0;		 
	double balance = 0;				 

	java.text.DecimalFormat df= new java.text.DecimalFormat("$,###.00"); // Formats dollar amount outputs to look like money

	public PaymentCalculatorWeek3() {

		super(new BorderLayout());

		label1 = new JLabel ("Loan Amount (eg. $200,000 = 200000): ", JLabel.LEFT);
		textField1 = new JTextField(10);

		label2 = new JLabel ("Term Length/Interest Rate: ", JLabel.LEFT);

		String[] termStrings = { "7 years at 5.35%", "15 years at 5.5%", "30 years at 5.75%" };
		termList = new JComboBox(termStrings);

		//Create the 1st button that also has a listener event to perform an action when clicked
		button1 = new JButton("Calculate");
        button1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

		//Create the 2nd button that also has a listener event to perform an action when clicked
		button2 = new JButton("Clear/Reset");
        button2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

		//Create the 3rd button that also has a listener event to perform an action when clicked
		button3 = new JButton("Quit");
        button3.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
		//Add the final fields that will display the monthly payment after it is calculated
 		label3 = new JLabel("Your Monthly Payment is: ");
		textField2 = new JTextField();

		textArea1 = new JTextArea(5,20);

		//Panel Layouts in the next section inspired by the found on this page: 

		//put the labels into a specific panel layout
		JPanel labelPane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,1));

		//put the textFields into a specific panel layout
		JPanel fieldPane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,1));

		//put the buttons into a specific panel layout
		JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,1));

		//Create a boarder around the items and specify where to show each of the panels previously created.
		setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder (20,20,20,20));
		add(labelPane, BorderLayout.WEST);
		add(fieldPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
		add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
		add(textArea1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


	//Setup what the quit button is going to do when clicked
    private void button3ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {                                         

	//Setup what the clear button will do when clicked
    private void button2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

	//Setup what the calculate button will do when clicked
    private void button1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
	float principle;

	//error handling to properly handle if user input is missing in order for calculation to be performed. 
	//The following code was inspired by fellow team member Robin Meredith
	//as well as the information found here:

	Object source = evt.getSource();

		if(source == button1) {

		try {
			principle = Float.parseFloat(textField1.getText()); 
			} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
			// validates input.
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid Loan Amount to continue. \n", "MISSING OR INVALID INFORMATION", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

		principle = Float.parseFloat(textField1.getText());
		monthlyInterest = (interest[termList.getSelectedIndex()] / (12 * 100)); // Term 0 is the 1st of 3 in the array
    	numMonths = (term[termList.getSelectedIndex()] * 12);

   		//Calculate the amortized monthly payment for each loan
    	monthlyPayment = principle * ( monthlyInterest / (1 - Math.pow(1 + monthlyInterest, -numMonths)));
		textField2.setText(String.valueOf(df.format(monthlyPayment))); //Display the monthly payment with a $ in front.

		balance = principle;
		interestPayment = balance * (interest[termList.getSelectedIndex()] / (12 * 100));
		principlePayment = monthlyPayment - interestPayment;

			for (int i=0; i < numMonths; ++i) {

				System.out.printf("Payment " + (i+1) + ": Interest Paid - $%.2f", + interestPayment );
				System.out.printf("    Remaining Balance: $%.2f\n", + (balance - principlePayment));

				// These 3 lines make the necessary subtractions so that the loop does not repeat on the same numbers over and over
				balance = balance - principlePayment;
				interestPayment = balance * (interest[termList.getSelectedIndex()] / (12 * 100));
				principlePayment = monthlyPayment - interestPayment;

			//	textArea1.setText(String.valueOf(df.format(monthlyPayment)));


	//Create the GUI and prepare to show on users screen
	private static void createAndShowGUI() {
		JFrame frame = new JFrame("PaymentCalculatorWeek3");
		frame.add(new PaymentCalculatorWeek3());

	//Show the GUI to user
	 public static void main(String[] args){




Save the the sentence to a string variable then use setText() , then convert the non String variables to string and do the same method

a bit similar to what you done here only thing difference is you'll be storing the output to a string variable beforehand

//	textArea1.setText(String.valueOf(df.format(monthlyPayment)));

not runs your code

1) textArea1.append(String.valueOf(df.format(monthlyPayment)) + "\n");

2) use JFormattedTextField similair example in the tutorial

3) Add scroll bars to textArea

read tutorial about JTextArea

Member Avatar for buchanan23

Save the the sentence to a string variable then use setText() , then convert the non String variables to string and do the same method

a bit similar to what you done here only thing difference is you'll be storing the output to a string variable beforehand

//	textArea1.setText(String.valueOf(df.format(monthlyPayment)));

Sorry to ask this, but I am not sure that I followed everything you were saying there, could you break it down a little further and maybe help me get started at least? I am not afraid to get my hands dirty and to try some stuff and figure it out, but I just need a little bit more of a shove in the right direction, I just feel pretty lost on this one?!?!

Also, as you can see that line that you pulled out of my text was an attempt to get something in that box, but it wasn't what I needed, I need the data that is output into the command line window to show up in the textArea.


Member Avatar for buchanan23

not runs your code

1) textArea1.append(String.valueOf(df.format(monthlyPayment)) + "\n");

2) use JFormattedTextField similair example in the tutorial

3) Add scroll bars to textArea

read tutorial about JTextArea

OK, so for #1 I tried using that and while it did populate inside the textArea1 like I wanted it to, it did not populate the data that I was looking for, I was looking to bring the data in that was showing up in the command window, so I think we are getting close.

#2, I thought I had my formatting showing up correctly in the command window, so I am not sure what I need to do differently with formatting?

#3 I read the tutorial and added the code for the scroll bars but I don't see anything as of yet, maybe it will depend on if I actually have data in that textArea1 or not, or maybe I just didn't do it right?

Member Avatar for buchanan23

Got 'er all figured out. We can close this one.

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