im working with vb2010 with ms access as its database and a newbie into programming.
is there anybody who have an idea how to make a log in history..
i mean whenever you specify date (e.g 01/02/2012 to 01/05/2012 ) on ur filter command it'll display on a listbox the user who logged in at their specific date and time and what they have accessed inside the program,, any suggestion? tnx

You will need another table in your database that stores the user ID and the time/date they logged in. You can then use that as a filter to extract users that accessed the system at certain times. A select statement joining your login times with the users table when do the trick.
If you wanted to actually monitor what they did while logged in you'll going to need at least one more table and also figure out how you're going to record the actions efficiently.

You will need another table in your database that stores the user ID and the time/date they logged in. You can then use that as a filter to extract users that accessed the system at certain times. A select statement joining your login times with the users table when do the trick.
If you wanted to actually monitor what they did while logged in you'll going to need at least one more table and also figure out how you're going to record the actions efficiently.

hello sir,, thank you for the rep. well sir honestly i dont know how to start.. yet i have the idea.. im using ms access as my database, i have a logintable for their login and logout time.
what im thinking is ill put code for every button on my forms which are used to edit,saved,delete etc.. to be saved on my database whenever it is clicked then also record its time and date + the user who logged in. ahm ist possible to do sir?

ur asking for login details or Event details? u want to capture all the events done by user in ur application?

for this you have suppose to be create a an EventAuditTrail. In this create one table which contain Id,User Id,DaeTime, ModuleName and Eventtext.
and create one static event like (EventAuditTrail) which have above parameter and one insert statement which insert the data into your table.
and then call each and every time this function on search,Insert,Update and Delete button and
pass your parameter to this function.

Or you can have Updated by, updated time, inserted by, inserted on in each table which you want to have log for..

ur asking for login details or Event details? u want to capture all the events done by user in ur application?

yes sir,, i need to record who loged in and if he made modification on my database such as save edit delete etc...then it will be recorded also..

Then follow what pritesh2010 told or My last post. Where ur getting struck?

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