Hello, I am asking about true syntax of the following::

I have a class name P and in header file (of this class) ------>

class P
	void addItem(const int newItem);
	void deleteItem(const int Item);
	void showAll();

	/** need to proper getter funct. of tail */

	struct Node
		int item;
		Node *next;
		Node *precede;
	int size;
	Node *tail;


Now I am asking that how I can write getter function of tail ? -class P will be used by another class. Thanks for replying.

Show how you think it should be implemented and we will be happy to critique your code. Just don't ask us to do your homework for you... :-(

Ok here my whole code;

void RentalSystem::checkoutMovie(const int id, const std::string name, const std::string surname)
    bool checkID = false;

    NodeZero *startZero = tailZero->next;
    NodeZero *innerZero = startZero;

        if (id == innerZero->mov.getID())
            checkID = true;

        innerZero = innerZero->next;
    }while (innerZero != startZero);

    if (checkID)
        cout<<"Movie\t"<<id<<"\texists. look at whether person exists or not?"<<endl;
        bool checkString = false;

        Node *start = tail->next;
        Node *inner = start;

        Node *location=NULL;
            if (inner->per.getName().compare(name) == 0
                && inner->per.getSurname().compare(surname) == 0)
                    checkString = true;
                    location = inner;

            inner = inner->next;
        }while (inner != start);

        if (checkString)
            cout<<"Movie and Person both exist for checkout."<<endl;

            /** delete Movie from NodeZero */
            location->per. /** here I need to call proper public getter function for tail typed Node pointer*/
#include "Movie.h"

class Person
	Person(const std::string, const std::string, const int);

//	void operator=(const Person &);


	void showMovie();

    void addMovie(const int, const std::string, const int);
    void returnMovie(const int);

    bool isEmpty() const;

	void setPersonInfo(const std::string, const std::string, const int);
	std::string getName() const;
	std::string getSurname() const;
	int getYear() const;

	int getSize();

    struct Node
       Movie  mov;
       Node *next;

	Node *tail;
	int size;


	std::string name, surname;
	int year;


Here in person class I have a tail and I want to use private in this class but also I need to access this tail and also size -but size is simple int RentalSystem::getSize() for tail I can not write getter funct. as getter funct. for size. That's only what I am asking, not about implementation. pls help...

You need to add some methods to the class P in order to traverse the list. IE, try creating some functions such as P::Node* first(), P::Node* last(), P::Node* next(P::Node* current). However, to do that, you need to make the Node structure public, or external to the class P.

Thank for posting, I think this was an unnecessary question I did what u posting about I've added finLoc(id : const int ->to find proper location I use key if (key is equal to some node->mov.getID())) : Node* funct that returns a address of typed Node and I moved to just beginning of header file anyway as I said, again, I understood my mistake, completely have a good day.

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