Good day everybody
i am wanting to make a new application, an application for sales, but i don't know where to start, any ideas?
i want to make an sales application with charts, stock sales, ... and all functionalities(add sales, modify, delete, ...).
What an enterprise or a business need?

First you need to get all the requirements. What you and ur application want to do. Search in net or get the domain knowledge from any who are in that domain.

i think you want to develop POS (point of sale) software , please google it by typing POS , there may be some demo out there , and also some online guide , that will help you allot


oke thanks everyone, i will search this, now i have created the interface (See attached image)
Searching on going
thanks for your response

What is exactly this POS? is this a sales manager or an online sales?

POS stands for point of sales , it is basically work like a inventory management system ,it manages your stock transactions , purchase , sales , purchase returns , sales returns, claims , little bit accounts. you can further google it , hope google will provide you a very good information about POS

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