Hey all,
I am working on my first C++ prog and I'm having an issue on my output. I compiled the code ok but when i try to execute, the output comes up with weird numbers and letters where it is supposed to display the "photos in"

// Name: Danny Delgado
// Course:  CIS-165
// Last Update: 2/21/2012
// Description:  Moreprints Photo Prints

//*********************** Preprocessor Directives *********************
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

//******************************* main ********************************
int main(void)
 double		photos,                    // photos entered by customer
            reprints,                  // reprints submitted by customer
            total_photos,              // total photos calculated product of photos x reprints
            cost_prints,               // total photos x .50
            tax_total,                 // cost of prints * .07
            price_total,              // cost_prints + tax_total
            tax_rate = .07,          // tax rate
            price_per = .50,       // price per photo
             string name;          // entered name
 char		drive[2],

 ofstream	outfile;

                                                        // input section
system ("cls"); // clear the screen 

 cout << "please enter your first and last name" << endl;
 cin  >> name;
 cout << "please enter number of photos" << endl << endl;
 cin  >> photos;
 cout << "please enter reprints submitted" <<endl;
 cin  >> reprints;
                                                         // process section

total_photos = photos * reprints;
cost_prints = total_photos * price_per;
tax_total = cost_prints * tax_rate;
price_total = cost_prints + tax_total;
                           								// output section
  system ("cls");
  cout << "Output to console (1) or disk file (2):   ";
  cin >> choice;
  if ( choice == 1 )
		system ("cls");
  else				  //routine allows interactive entry of external file name
		cout << "Which drive:  a, b, c, d, e, or f ?   ";
		cin >> drive;
		strcpy(disk_file, drive);
		strcat(disk_file, ":");
		cout << "Enter a results file name:   ";
		cin >> file;
		strcat(disk_file, file);
		strcat(disk_file, ".dta");
  outfile << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed) << setprecision(2);
  outfile << "MOREPRINTS Photo Store" << endl;
  outfile << "======================" << endl;
  outfile << "Customer Name         " << name << endl; 
  outfile << "Photos In             " << photos <<  
  outfile << "Reprints Ordered       " << reprints << endl;
  outfile << "total reprints        " << total_photos << endl;
  outfile << "Price/Reprint         " << price_per << endl;
  outfile << "Reprint Cost          " << cost_prints << endl;
  outfile << "Tax                   " << tax_total << endl;
  outfile << "Total Cost            " << price_total << endl;
  outfile << "photos                " << photos << endl;
  cout << endl << endl;    // provides blank line before pause display message
  system ("pause");
  return 0;
cout << "please enter your first and last name" << endl;
cin  >> name;

That is your problem, and this is the fix:

cout << "please enter your first and last name" << endl;
getline(cin, name);

The reason it's the problem is operator>>() stops reading at whitespace. So if you type "Joe Schmoe", name will only get populated with "Joe", and " Schmoe" will be left in the stream for the next input request.

The next input request is cin >> photos, which is looking for a double value, so it will fail on "Schmoe" and put cin into an error state. Thus all of your requests for input from cin after that will fail to do anything and you'll be working with mostly uninitialized variables.

I tried doing it a little different since we havent gotten that far in class yet (getline). But i'm still running into the same problem. please notice changes below...

// Name: Danny Delgado
// Course:  CIS-165
// Last Update: 2/21/2012
// Description:  Moreprints Photo Prints 

//*********************** Preprocessor Directives *********************
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

//******************************* main ********************************
int main(void)
 double	                      // photos entered by customer
                             // reprints submitted by customer
            total_photos,              // total photos calculated product of photos x reprints
            cost_prints,               // total photos x .50
            tax_total,                 // cost of prints * .07
            price_total,              // cost_prints + tax_total

 const double Tax_Rate = .07,          // tax rate
              Price_Per = .50;       // price per photo
 string       first_name;
 string       last_name;                 // entered name
 int          photos,
 char		drive[2],

 ofstream	outfile;

                                                        // input section
system ("cls"); // clear the screen 

 cout << "Please Enter Your First Name" << endl;
 cin  >> first_name;
 cout << "Please Enter Your Last Name" << endl;
 cin  >> last_name;
 cout << "Please enter number of photos" << endl;
 cin  >> photos;
 cout << "Please enter reprints submitted" <<endl;
 cin  >> reprints;
                                                         // process section

total_photos = photos * reprints;
cost_prints = total_photos * Price_Per;
tax_total = cost_prints * Tax_Rate;
price_total = cost_prints + tax_total;
                           								// output section
  system ("cls");
  cout << "Output to console (1) or disk file (2):   ";
  cin >> choice;
  if ( choice == 1 )
		system ("cls");
  else				  //routine allows interactive entry of external file name
		cout << "Which drive:  a, b, c, d, e, or f ?   ";
		cin >> drive;
		strcpy(disk_file, drive);
		strcat(disk_file, ":");
		cout << "Enter a results file name:   ";
		cin >> file;
		strcat(disk_file, file);
		strcat(disk_file, ".txt");
  outfile << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed) << setprecision(2);
  outfile << "MOREPRINTS Photo Store" << endl;
  outfile << "======================" << endl;
  outfile << "Customer Name         " << first_name << last_name <<endl; 
  outfile << "Photos In             " << photos <<
  outfile << "Reprints Ordered      " << reprints << endl;
  outfile << "total reprints        " << total_photos << endl;
  outfile << "Price/Reprint         " << Price_Per << endl;
  outfile << "Reprint Cost          " << cost_prints << endl;
  outfile << "Tax                   " << tax_total << endl;
  outfile << "Total Cost            " << price_total << endl;
  cout << endl << endl;    // provides blank line before pause display message
  system ("pause");
  return 0;

I figured I should display the output of this program to be more descriptive...

Customer Name DannyDelgado
Photos In 56.000x22fe30Reprints Ordered 2.00
total reprints 112.00
Price/Reprint 0.50
Reprint Cost 56.00
Tax 3.92
Total Cost 59.92
photos 56.00

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