Hello experts,

I never used "Dataset" in my project. But I know this is used for the set of tables.
Can I use this to authenticate from more than one table?
Tables in my Database are:
Login, Student, Student Details, Fee, Teacher, Teacher Details.
I want to use dataset in my project to authenticate with Student, Student Details and Fee
please help me to write the code for this.

can you please explain what you really want to do ?

        Catch ex As Exception

            Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select * from Login where (userid='" + txt_user.Text + "'and pass='" + txt_pass.Text + "'and type='" + txt_type.Text + "')", c.con)
            Dim dr As SqlDataReader
            dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
            If (dr.Read()) Then
                If (txt_type.Text = "admin") Then

                    Dim frmobj As New MDIParent1
                    MsgBox("Invalid User")
                    txt_user.Text = ""
                    txt_pass.Text = ""
                    txt_type.Text = ""
                End If
                If (txt_type.Text = "user") Then
                    Dim frmobj As New MDIParent1
                ElseIf (txt_user.Text = "" Or txt_pass.Text = "" Or txt_type.Text = "") Then
                    MsgBox("userid,password or type is not correct.")
                    MsgBox("Invalid User")
                    txt_user.Text = ""
                    txt_pass.Text = ""
                    txt_type.Text = ""
                End If
            End If
        End Try


I written the above code to authenticate, But I have two tables:-
1. Username
2. password
Therefore, I have to authenticate my userform with two tables(username and password).
Can you tell me how can i use "dataset" in this coding.

well first remove your ( in your query, then how you want to authenticate the userform , ?? , what i understand is that you want to check the user name and password and the user type then load the form am i right ? so i think if you have two tables or more then two tables there is no need to use dataset , because you can perform same function with a single query , which is easy and fast .


Thankyou sir,
but i want to know,how to use dataset?

Data set is just like a table, you can get the data from database and load it into dataset and this dataset you can use to bing to grid or whatever.. Read about dataset in internet..

@Pgmer , with due respect sir , i think dataset is like a database having one or more then one tables in it , dataset and datatable are two different things , correct me sir if i am worng .

Best Regards

@waqasaslammmeo your correct... But not exactly like database. its just like a container..

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