I have a created a currency converter in 2 forms in Visual Basic for a made up currency which has pounds shillings and pence. I have 3 textboxes for them to enter the amount of each and a button to calculate the amount of UK Stirling using conversion rates given to me. The amount of UK Stirling is in a label which I then want to have in a second form as I want to show the amount of UK Sterling before I add tax to it. I just don't know how to have the amount showing on the first form to always be portrayed in a label in the second form. Please help!

I just don't know how to have the amount showing on the first form to always be portrayed in a label in the second form. Please help!

You mean showing the same amount of a label in form 1 to a label in form 2?

If so, then have a look at this:

You can access form control using second form name as object.

Put this code in any event you want :

Form2.Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption
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