I have a written code on a simple address book which allows addnew,view single entry and view all names. I have added the delete functionality to allow one to enter name to delete its entry but I get Error:

cannot find symbol
return addressBookEntry.delete();
symbol:method delete()
location:variable addressBookEntry of type AddressBookEntry
1 error

I am using a windows console to run it. Kindly check out my code below for the delete.

(Pay particular attention at the AddressBookDelegateImpl class in the public AddressBookEntry deleteAddressBookEntry( String name )
throws AddressBookDelegateException { method)

package com.jjpeople.addressbook.gui;

import com.jjpeople.addressbook.action.actionresult.ShowAddressActionResult;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.action.actionresult.ShowAllNamesInAddressBookActionResult;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.actionargument.AddAddressActionArgument;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.actionargument.ShowAddressActionArgument;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.actionargument.DeleteAddressActionArgument;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.actionargument.ShowAllNamesInAddressBookActionArgument;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate.AddressBookEntry;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate.AddressBookEntryImpl;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.action.actionresult.ActionResult;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.controller.Controller;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.controller.ControllerException;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.gui.AbstractCommandlineGui;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.gui.GuiException;

public class AddressBookGuiImpl extends AbstractCommandlineGui
    implements AddressBookGui {

     * If the Add Addresses option is chosen this method is executed
     * @throws GuiException
    private void showAddAddress() throws GuiException {

        AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry = new AddressBookEntryImpl();

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( "Address Book: Adding Entry" ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( "Please enter the following details:" );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( "Name : " );

        print( sb.toString() );
        addressBookEntry.setName( readInput() );

        print( "Mobile Number : " );
        addressBookEntry.setMobileNumber( readInput() );

        print( "Landline Number : " );
        addressBookEntry.setLandlineNumber( readInput() );

        print( "First line Address : " );
        addressBookEntry.setFirstLineAddress( readInput() );

        print( "Second line Address : " );
        addressBookEntry.setSecondLineAddress( readInput() );

        print( "Town or City : " );
        addressBookEntry.setTownOrCity( readInput() );

        print( "Postcode : " );
        addressBookEntry.setPostcode( readInput() );

        print( "Country : " );
        addressBookEntry.setCountry( readInput() );

        AddAddressActionArgument addAddressActionArgument =
            new AddAddressActionArgument();

        addAddressActionArgument.setAddressBookEntry( addressBookEntry );

        try {
            controller.execute( addAddressActionArgument );
        catch( ControllerException e ) {

            throw new GuiException( "Could not add address", e );

     * If the View Address option is found this method is called
    private void showViewAddress() throws GuiException{

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( "Address Book" ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        sb.append( "Please enter the name of the person you wish " +
                "to view the address details of:" );

        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        print( sb.toString() );

        String name = readInput();

        ShowAddressActionArgument showAddressActionArgument =
            new ShowAddressActionArgument( name );

        try {
            ActionResult actionResult =
                controller.execute( showAddressActionArgument );

            ShowAddressActionResult showAddressActionResult
                = ( ShowAddressActionResult )actionResult;

            AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry =

            renderAddressBookEntry( addressBookEntry );
        catch( ControllerException e ) {

            throw new GuiException( "Could not retrieve address entry", e );

    private void DeleteAddress() throws GuiException{

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( "Address Book" ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        sb.append( "Please enter the name of the person you wish " +
                "to delete the address details of:" );

        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        print( sb.toString() );

        String name = readInput();

        DeleteAddressActionArgument deleteAddressActionArgument =
            new DeleteAddressActionArgument( name );

        try {
            ActionResult actionResult =
                controller.execute( deleteAddressActionArgument );

            ShowAddressActionResult showAddressActionResult
                = ( ShowAddressActionResult )actionResult;

            AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry =

            renderAddressBookEntry( addressBookEntry );
        catch( ControllerException e ) {

            throw new GuiException( "Could not retrieve address entry", e );

     * Renders an address book entry to the Gui
     * @param addressBookEntry
    private void renderAddressBookEntry(
            AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry ) {

        print( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        if ( addressBookEntry != null ) {

            print( addressBookEntry.toString() );
        else {

            print( "Could not find entry" );

     * Shows all names in the address book
    private void showViewAllNamesInAddressBook() throws GuiException {

            showAllNamesInAddressBookActionArgument =
                  new ShowAllNamesInAddressBookActionArgument();

        try {
            ActionResult actionResult =
                controller.execute( showAllNamesInAddressBookActionArgument );

                    = ( ShowAllNamesInAddressBookActionResult )actionResult;

            String[] addressBookNames =

            renderAllAddressBookNames( addressBookNames );
        catch( ControllerException e ) {

            throw new GuiException(
                    "Could not show all address book name", e );

     * Renders all adress book names
     * @param addressBookNames addressBookNames to render
    private void renderAllAddressBookNames( String[] addressBookNames ) {

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        for ( String name : addressBookNames ) {
            sb.append( name ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        print( sb.toString() );

     * Constructor
    public AddressBookGuiImpl( Controller controller ) {

        super( controller );

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.jjpeople.addressbook.gui.AddressBookGui#start()
    public void start() throws GuiException {


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.jjpeople.addressbook.gui.AddressBookGui#showMenu()
    public void showMenu() throws GuiException {

        String entryNumber = "-1";

        while ( true ) {

            if ( entryNumber.equals( "1" ) ) {

                entryNumber = "-1";
            else if ( entryNumber.equals( "2" ) ) {

                entryNumber = "-1";
            else if ( entryNumber.equals( "3" ) ) {

                entryNumber = "-1";
            else if ( entryNumber.equals( "4" ) ) {

                entryNumber = "-1";
            else {

                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( LINE_SEPARATOR );
                sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
                sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
                sb.append( "Address Book" ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
                sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
                sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

                sb.append( "1. Add Address " ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
                sb.append( "2. View Address of one person" );
                sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
                sb.append( "3. View all Names in Address book" );
                sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
		sb.append( "4. Delete address " );
                sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

                sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

                sb.append( "Please enter a number of the action " +
                        "you wish to perform" );

                print( sb.toString() );

                entryNumber = readInput();

package com.jjpeople.addressbook.action;

import com.jjpeople.addressbook.action.actionresult.ShowAddressActionResult;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.actionargument.ShowAddressActionArgument;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.actionargument.DeleteAddressActionArgument;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate.AddressBookDelegate;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate.AddressBookDelegateException;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate.AddressBookDelegateImpl;
import com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate.AddressBookEntry;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.action.AbstractAction;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.action.ActionException;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.controller.Controller;

 * This application uses a Service to Worker pattern which is located in the
 * package: com.jjpeople.serviceworker
 * <p>
 * This action reads addresses from the address book.
 * <p>
 * The AddressBookDelegateImpl is responsible for retrieving the addresses.
 * <p>
 * AddressBookDelegateImpl serializes and deserializes AddressBookEntryImpl
 * to and from files respectively.
 * @author JDickerson
 * Created on 4 Aug 2008
public class DeleteAddressAction extends AbstractAction {

    private AddressBookDelegate addressBookDelegate;

     * Initializes AddressBookDelegateImpl. The initialisation includes
     * creating a directory un der the user's home directory for this
     * application if it does not exist already
    private void initialize() {

        try {
            addressBookDelegate = new AddressBookDelegateImpl();
        catch( AddressBookDelegateException e ) {

            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Fatal Exception initializing Address Book", e );

     * Constructor
     * @param controller controller to set in this action
    public DeleteAddressAction( Controller controller ) {

        super( controller );

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.jjpeople.serviceworker.action.AbstractAction#execute()
    public void execute() throws ActionException {

        DeleteAddressActionArgument deleteAddressArgument =
            ( DeleteAddressActionArgument )actionArgument;

        String name = deleteAddressArgument.getName();

        try {
            AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry =
                    addressBookDelegate.deleteAddressBookEntry( name );

        catch( AddressBookDelegateException e ) {

            throw new ActionException(
                    "Could not retrieve Address book entry for, " + name, e );

package com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.*;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * This application uses a Service to Worker pattern which is located in the
 * package: com.jjpeople.serviceworker
 * <p>
 * This class models saving and retrieving address book detaiils using
 * the name of a the person to which the address details relate.
 * <p>
 * The object, AddressBookEntry, is serialized and deserialized from file
 * @author JDickerson
 * Created on 5 Aug 2008
public class AddressBookDelegateImpl implements AddressBookDelegate {

    private File userHomeDir;

    private File addressBookDirectory;

     * Initializes this delegate.
     * <p>
     * Creates a directory for this Address Book application in the user's
     * home directory if it does not already exist
     * @throws AddressBookDelegateException
    private void initialize() throws AddressBookDelegateException {

        String userHomeDirPath = System.getProperty( "user.home" );
        userHomeDir = new File( userHomeDirPath );

        addressBookDirectory = new File( userHomeDir, "ADDRESS_BOOK" );

        if ( ! addressBookDirectory.exists() ) {

            if ( ! addressBookDirectory.mkdir() ) {

                throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                        "Could not make directory, " +
                            addressBookDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

     * Replaces Spaces with underscores
     * @param string the string to replace the spaces with underscores
     * @return the
    private String replaceSpacesWithUnderScores( String string ) {

        return string.replaceAll( " ", "_" ).toLowerCase();

     * Constructor
    public AddressBookDelegateImpl() throws AddressBookDelegateException{


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegates.
     *          AddressBookDelegate#getAddressBook(java.lang.String)
    public AddressBookEntry getAddressBookEntry( String name )
        throws AddressBookDelegateException {

        String nameWithUnderscores = replaceSpacesWithUnderScores( name );

        File fileToUnserialize =
            new File( addressBookDirectory, nameWithUnderscores );

        if ( ! fileToUnserialize.exists() ) {

            return null;

        try {
            InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream( fileToUnserialize );

            ObjectInputStream objectInputStream
                = new ObjectInputStream( inputStream );

            AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry =
                ( AddressBookEntry )objectInputStream.readObject();

            return addressBookEntry;
        catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {

            throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                    "Could not find the following file to deserialize, " +
                        fileToUnserialize.getAbsolutePath(), e );
        catch( IOException e ) {

            throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                    "Could not read inputStream of file, " +
                        fileToUnserialize.getAbsolutePath(), e );
        catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) {

            throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                    "Could not find class, " + AddressBookEntry.class +
                        " to desrialize file, " +
                            fileToUnserialize.getAbsolutePath(), e );

    public AddressBookEntry deleteAddressBookEntry( String name )
        throws AddressBookDelegateException {

        String nameWithUnderscores = replaceSpacesWithUnderScores( name );

        File fileToDelete =
            new File( addressBookDirectory, nameWithUnderscores );

        if ( ! fileToDelete.exists() ) {

            return null;

        try {
            InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream( fileToDelete );

            ObjectInputStream objectInputStream
                = new ObjectInputStream( inputStream );

            AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry =
                ( AddressBookEntry )objectInputStream.readObject();

            return addressBookEntry.delete();
        catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {

            throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                    "Could not find the following file to deserialize, " +
                        fileToDelete.getAbsolutePath(), e );
        catch( IOException e ) {

            throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                    "Could not read inputStream of file, " +
                        fileToDelete.getAbsolutePath(), e );
        catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) {

            throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                    "Could not find class, " + AddressBookEntry.class +
                        " to desrialize file, " +
                            fileToDelete.getAbsolutePath(), e );

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegates.
     *          AddressBookDelegate#saveAddressBookEntry(
     *                  com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegates.
     *                          AddressBookEntry )
    public void saveAddressBookEntry( AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry )
        throws AddressBookDelegateException {

        String nameWithUnderscores =
            replaceSpacesWithUnderScores( addressBookEntry.getName() );

        File fileToSerialize =
            new File( addressBookDirectory, nameWithUnderscores );

        if ( fileToSerialize.exists() ) {

            if ( fileToSerialize.delete() ) {

                throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                        "Was trying to save file, " +
                            fileToSerialize.getAbsolutePath() + " and found " +
                                "file already existed. Tried to delete it " +
                                    "but failed." );
        else {
            try {
                OutputStream outputStream =
                        new FileOutputStream( fileToSerialize );

                ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream =
                    new ObjectOutputStream( outputStream );

                objectOutputStream.writeObject( addressBookEntry );
            catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {

                throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                        "Could not find file, " +
                            fileToSerialize.getAbsolutePath() +
                                " to serialize to", e );
            catch( IOException e ) {

                throw new AddressBookDelegateException(
                        "Could not serialize addressBookEntry to " +
                            "file, " + fileToSerialize.getAbsolutePath(), e );

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.jjpeople.addressbook.businessdelegate.
     *          AddressBookDelegate#retrieveListOfAddressBookNames()
    public String[] retrieveListOfAddressBookNames() {

        String[] addressBookNames = addressBookDirectory.list();

        String[] formattedAddressBookNames =
            new String[ addressBookNames.length ];

        String unFormattedName;
        StringTokenizer tokenizer;
        String token;
        String formattedName = "";

        for( int i=0; i<addressBookNames.length; i++ ) {

            // convert e.g. "john_dickerson" to "john dickerson"
            unFormattedName = addressBookNames[ i ].replaceAll( "_", " " );
            tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( unFormattedName, " " );

            // convert "john dickerson" to "John Dickerson"
            while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {

                token = tokenizer.nextToken();

                formattedName =
                    formattedName + " " +
                        Character.toUpperCase( token.charAt( 0 ) ) +
                            token.substring( 1 );

            formattedAddressBookNames[ i ] = formattedName.trim();
            formattedName = "";

        return formattedAddressBookNames;

Kindly assist.

the problem is, you don't have a method called 'delete' without parameters. that's why it can't find it.

the problem is, you don't have a method called 'delete' without parameters. that's why it can't find it.

So I need to introduce a delete method?Where do I place it and how?Considering that the user has input the name variable which holds the addressbookEntry.Will it just delete that or with the entry details?Its quite confusing I thought return addressBookEntry.delete() would just do to delete the entry because its been introduced by import.java.io.File; .How should this be?

either that, or you have to replace delete() by the name and signature of the method you do have.

either that, or you have to replace delete() by the name and signature of the method you do have.

My DeleteActionArgument is:

package com.jjpeople.addressbook.actionargument;

import com.jjpeople.addressbook.action.ActionConstants;
import com.jjpeople.serviceworker.action.actionargument.AbstractActionArgument;

 * This application uses a Service to Worker pattern which is located in the
 * package: com.jjpeople.serviceworker
 * <p>
 * Before calling the execute method on the ShowAddressAction, the controller,
 * AbstractController sets this class in the action. This class encapsulates
 * the arguments required to run the processing in the execute method of the
 * ShowAddressAction.
 * @author JDickerson
 * Created on 4 Aug 2008
public class DeleteAddressActionArgument extends AbstractActionArgument
    implements ActionConstants {

    private String name;

     * Constructor
     * @param name of the person we want to retrieve the address details
     * for
    public DeleteAddressActionArgument( String name ) {

        this.name = name;
        setActionCommand( DELETE_ADDRESS_ACTION );

     * Gets the name of the person we want to delete the address details
     * for
     * @return the name of the person we want to delete the address details
     * for
    public String getName() {

        return name;

I added a deleteEntry method in the AddressBookEntryImpl which has

public void deleteEntry(String name){

return name.delete();


I got the error:

method deleteEntry in interface AddressBookEntry cannot be applied to given types;
return addressBookEntry.deleteEntry;
required String
found:no arguments
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length.

I know that one reason is the return at void I will correct that in a moment. My problem is setting up the arguments and placing the delete().The Entry has fields:


I was referring to your DeleteAddress() method

Ok I have modified the AddressBookGuiImpl class as:

private void DeleteAddress() throws GuiException{

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( "Address Book" ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( DIVIDER ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );
        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        sb.append( "Please enter the name of the person you wish " +
                "to delete the address details of:" );

        sb.append( LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( LINE_SEPARATOR );

        String name = readInput();

        DeleteAddressActionArgument deleteAddressActionArgument =
            new DeleteAddressActionArgument( name );

        try {
            ActionResult actionResult =
                controller.execute( deleteAddressActionArgument );

            DeleteAddressActionResult deleteAddressActionResult
                = ( DeleteAddressActionResult )actionResult;

            AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry =
        removeAddressBookEntry( addressBookEntry );

        catch( ControllerException e ) {

            throw new GuiException( "Could not retrieve address entry", e );

      private boolean removeAddressBookEntry(AddressBookEntry addressBookEntry ) {

        if ( addressBookEntry != null ) {

            File deleted=new File(addressBookEntry,name);
       return deleted.delete();
        else {

            print( "Could not find entry" );

   private void endApplication() throws GuiException {



But I get the error:

no suitable constructor found for File(AddressBookEntry) File deleted=new File(addressBookEntry);constructor File.File(URI) is not applicable (actual argument AddressBookEntry cannot be converted to URI by method invocation conversion)constructor File.File(File,String) is not applicable(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)constructor File.File(String,String) is not applicable(actual and formal argument lists differ in length) constructor File.File(String) is not applicable(actual argument AddressBookEntry cannot be converted to String by method invocation conversion)constructor File.File(String,File) is not applicable(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)constructor File.File(String,int) is not applicable(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)1 error

well, that's what you get if you call a constructor which doesn't exist.
for instance new File("myFile.txt"); is a valid call, because the File class has a constructor which takes a String as a parameter, but there isn't one which takes a parameter of the type you're trying to pass on to the constructor.

I created a method in address book entry to delete name,mobile numbe,address etc individually but the address book wont start.Now I am trying to figure out a way in which I will call them from another class like the Gui. I must pass that addressBookEntry into the addressBookGuiimpl then probably change it to boolean so that I delete it. I used new File("addressBookEntry"), compiles but does not perform the delete function. It has to accept input(name), search for the name in the address book directory, return the addressbook entry associated with that name and then DELETE the returned entry.
Just like show details but instead of printing the toString(which has name,mobile number, postal address, country,, etc)it should delete them.

I got it!I modified the AddressBookGuiImpl from line 139 above as:

        DeleteAddressActionArgument deleteAddressActionArgument =
                new DeleteAddressActionArgument( name );

            try {

            controller.execute( deleteAddressActionArgument );

            catch( ControllerException e ) {

                throw new GuiException( "Could not retrieve address entry to delete", e );
        catch (NullPointerException e){

            throw new GuiException( "The Entry Does Not Exist", e );


I don't think the problem was with your AddressBookGuiImpl class you must have changed something else for it to work. did you keep the other changes you had made on address book entry? wish I could see all the running code though.

address book entry

AddressBookGuiImpl from line

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