
I’m looking for visually appealing, robust Help component to add to my (.NET C#) Windows form. It must have search & indexing etc and docking. Appreciate any recommendations.


Are you wanting to write this yourself or use something that has already been written?

Are you wanting to write this yourself or use something that has already been written?

Looking for something that's already available.

Ok. Are you looking to spend any money, or would you prefer open source?

Ok. Are you looking to spend any money, or would you prefer open source?

No preference

Hmmm well I just did a quick search and nothing came up. I suspect that's why you came here! There is a class for Help using chm files in .Net but I don't think it's dockable. You might just have to write your own (then maybe you could sell it!)

Are you familiar with the concepts involved? (Filtering/searching, parsing help data files, custom controls)

Hmmm well I just did a quick search and nothing came up. I suspect that's why you came here! There is a class for Help using chm files in .Net but I don't think it's dockable. You might just have to write your own (then maybe you could sell it!)

Are you familiar with the concepts involved? (Filtering/searching, parsing help data files, custom controls)

Looks like I'll create my own. Did a similar search and did not find anything decent. Thanks for you response!

And yes - I'm familiar with the concepts you indicated.

Its not a bad idea to create (your own website, or some page of it) to point the help from your app. to it, like:

Help.ShowHelp(this, "http://www.helpware.net"); //this is exmaple url
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