how can i use the matlab(matlab function) into java

you mean this?

i got the code from web but error is here plese help me

import java.lang.System.*;

import com.mathworks.jmi.*;

public class MatlabControl {
Matlab matlab = null; //this is the com.mathworks.jmi.Matlab class,which has functionality allowing one to interact with the matlab session.
boolean useCb=false;
Object returnVal;
String callbackFunction;

/*** usually, the default constructor with no arguments is fine.
 * Sometimes, a callback function is useful.  A callback function
 * is allows the user to pass the command and its arguments to a
 * matlab function, which will figure out the best way to executue
 * it, instead of trying to execute it directly from java.  This
 * is often useful for handling/printing errors as well as dealing
 * with native matlab data types, like cell arrays.  The cell
 * array is not really converted to a java type, only the handle
 * of the cell array is converted to a java type, so often a
 * matlab callback function is useful for dealing specially with
 * cell arrays, etc.

public MatlabControl() {

public MatlabControl(boolean useCallback) {
this(useCallback,new String("matlabControlcb"));

public MatlabControl(boolean useCallback, String CallBackFunction) {
    try {
        if (matlab == null)
            matlab = new Matlab();//this command links to the current matlab session
    } catch (Exception e) {
    returnVal = new String("noReturnValYet");

/***************USER-LEVEL FUNCTIONS****************/
/***call these from any java thread (as long as the thread
 * originated from within matlab)

/**Evaluate a string, Matlab script, or Matlab function**/
public void eval(String Command) {
    Matlab.whenMatlabReady(new MatlabEvalCommand(Command,useCb));

/**Evaluate a Matlab function that requires arguments.  Each element of
 the "args" vector is an argument to the function "Command"**/
public void feval(String Command, Object[] args) {
    Matlab.whenMatlabReady(new MatlabFevalCommand(Command, args,useCb));

/**Evaluate a Matlab function that requires arguments and provide return arg.
 * Each element of the "args" vector is an argument to the function "Command"**/
public Object blockingFeval(String Command, Object[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    returnVal = new String("noReturnValYet");
    Matlab.whenMatlabReady(new MatlabBlockingFevalCommand(Command, args, useCb, this));
    if (returnVal.equals(new String("noReturnValYet"))) {
    return returnVal;

/**Echoing the eval statement is useful if you want to see in
 * matlab each time that a java function tries to execute a matlab
 * command **/
public void setEchoEval(boolean echo){

/**********TEST FUNCTIONS***********************/
/***call these functions from within Matlab itself.  These are examples of the general execution order:
1. instantiate java object from matlab
2. spawn a new Java thread
3. call matlab functions from new java thread

EXAMPLE (from matlab prompt):

>> mc=MatlabControl;
>> mc.testEval('x = 5')
x =
> mc.testFeval('help',{'sqrt'})
  SQRT    Square root.
     SQRT(X) is the square root of the elements of X. Complex
     results are produced if X is not positive.

     See also SQRTM.

     Overloaded methods
     help sym/sqrt.m

>> mc.testBlockingFeval('sqrt',{x})

public void testEval(final String Command) {
class Caller extends Thread{
     public void run(){
          } catch(Exception e){
      //                System.out.println(e.toString());
Caller c = new Caller();

public void testFeval(final String Command, final Object[] args) {
class Caller extends Thread{
     public void run(){
               feval(Command, args);
          } catch(Exception e){
      //                System.out.println(e.toString());
Caller c = new Caller();

public void testBlockingFeval(final String Command, final Object[] args) {
class Caller extends Thread{
     public void run(){
               Object rets[] = new Object[1];
               rets[0] = blockingFeval(Command, args);
               feval(new String("disp"),rets );
          } catch(Exception e){
      //                System.out.println(e.toString());
Caller c = new Caller();


public void setReturnVal(Object val) {
        Object oldVal = returnVal;
        returnVal = val;

/** This class is used to execute a string in Matlab **/
protected class MatlabEvalCommand implements Runnable {
    String command;
    boolean useCallback,eval;
    Object[] args;

    public MatlabEvalCommand(String Command, boolean useCallback) {
        command = Command;
        this.useCallback = useCallback;

    protected Object useMatlabCommandCallback(String command, Object[] args){
        int numArgs = (args==null)? 0 : args.length;
        Object newArgs[] = new Object[numArgs+1] ;
        for(int i=0;i<numArgs;i++){
            newArgs[i+1] = args[i];
            return matlab.mtFevalConsoleOutput(new String("matlabControlcb"), newArgs, 0);
        catch(Exception e){
    //                System.out.println(e.toString());
    return null;

    public void run() {
        try {
                useMatlabCommandCallback(command, args);
            else if(eval){
                matlab.fevalConsoleOutput(command, args, 0, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {

/** This class is used to execute a function in matlab and pass paramseters**/
protected class MatlabFevalCommand extends MatlabEvalCommand {

    public MatlabFevalCommand(String Command, Object[] Args, boolean useCallback) {
        super(Command, useCallback);
        args = Args;


/** This class is used to execute a function in matlab and pass paramseters
 *  and it also return arguments**/
protected class MatlabBlockingFevalCommand extends MatlabFevalCommand {
    MatlabControl parent;

    public MatlabBlockingFevalCommand(String Command, Object[] Args, boolean useCallback, MatlabControl parent) {
        super(Command, Args, useCallback);

    public void run() {
        try {
                parent.setReturnVal(useMatlabCommandCallback(command, args));
                parent.setReturnVal(matlab.mtFevalConsoleOutput(command, args, 0));
        } catch (Exception e) {
    //                System.out.println(e.toString());


here error is import com.mathworks.jmi.*;

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