Hey all, Im working on a number guessing game where a user has 10 tries to a guess a number. The program supposed to display user guesses and then the main menu after the game has finished.

Im running into a couple of problems. The first one being that for some reason if user guesses the number right it only displays the guesses up to that number, and i would like to display all guesses including the correct one. The second one being is if the user guesses the correct number and restarts the game, and then loses, the program does not display user guesses. I have tested the program many times and the second problem occurs only after the user wins the previous game. Hope you guys can steer me in the right direction.

Here is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SIZE 10

//displays the main menu
void DisplayMenu(); //Prototype
//display user guesses
void DisplayGuesses(int, int);

void main()

    char selection;//menu selection
    int randomNumber;//random number that user has to guess
    int guess;//answer
    int answers[SIZE];
    int CorrectGuess = 0;
    int GameOver = 0;
    int n;
    int count = 10;


        DisplayMenu(); //Function Call
        scanf("%c", &selection);//gets the user input

        if (selection == 'A' || selection == 'a')
            system("cls");//clears screen
            srand(time(NULL));//passes a time function to seed 
            randomNumber = rand() % 100;//creates random number between 0 and 100
            for(n = 0; n<SIZE; n++)
                printf("Please enter your guess:   ");//prints the prompt
                scanf("%d", &guess);//gets the user input
                answers[n] = guess;

                //checks to see if the answer is lower than the random number
                if (answers[n] < randomNumber)
                    printf("\n\nMy number is higher than your guess, try again\n\n");//prints the result

                //checks to see if the answer is greater than the random number
                else if (answers[n] > randomNumber)
                    printf("\n\nMy number is lower than yours, try again\n\n");//prints the result

                    printf("\nCorrect!!! It only took you %d tries\n\n", n + 1);//prints the result
                    DisplayGuesses(answers, n);
                    CorrectGuess = 1;

            //if count is 10 and wrong guess, display message.
            if (count == 10 && !CorrectGuess)
                printf("You lose. The number was %d\n\n", randomNumber); //displays the random number
                DisplayGuesses(answers, n);


        else if  (selection == 'B' || selection == 'b')
            GameOver = 1;




    void DisplayMenu() //Function Header
        printf("\n\nA: Start Game\n\n");

        printf("B: Quit Game\n\n");


    //Displays user guesses
    void DisplayGuesses(int guesses[], int tries)
        int i;

        printf("Your guesses were:\n\n");
        for(i = 0; i < tries; i++)
            printf("%d\n", guesses[i]);

Btw, im following the pseudocode that was provided to me in class

Dont be too harsh on me! :D

if user guesses the number right it only displays the guesses up to that number, and i would like to display all guesses including the correct one.

Because you are passing variable n to the DisplayGuesses() function which acts as an index in your loop while inside your DisplayGuesses() function it is used as a 'number of times'. Incrementing your n before you pass it to the function or changing the condition to <= within DisplayGuesses() function should fix it. To demonstrate:

int n = 0;
ary[n] = 123;
ary[n] = 321;
// now n is of value 1

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ // will only loop once, when you intend twice.
    printf("%d ", ary[i]);

The second one being is if the user guesses the correct number and restarts the game, and then loses, the program does not display user guesses.

Because you do not reset the value of variable CorrectGuess back to zero and so it will keep on being false on the conditional as soon as you do guess the correct value even once. It basically stays to being of value 1 throughout the program as soon as you win a game once, therefore losing a game and the program still thinks that you won beacuse the value is always 1.

Furthermore, I don't see the point of variable count as it never gets modified anyways; you don't use it anywhere else except the failed if block and even then is also unecessary. You also only need to call srand() once throughout the program. Not that it would crash anything(that I know of), but it's unecessary.

Thanks alot, i made couple of changes to my code as you suggested and everything works perfectly now, thanks!

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