Hi guys,

I'm doing an application that works with an online mysql database.

Here is a sample of my code:

Dim adapter As New MySqlDataAdapter("select * from my_table order by code", "server=my_server;User Id=me;password=password;Persist Security Info=True;database=database")

Dim my_table = New DataTable


On the last line, the application freezes until the DataTable is filled. I realized that it doesn't happen with a local database.

Is there a way to avoid this?

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How many rows do you get back from the remote database?

76 rows

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76 is not that many rows, you could try to add a LIMIT 1 to your query to see if there's an improvement. As you're connecting to a remote db, it might be that the connection is really slow - no idea on how to work around that.

Please for vb code use ~~~ vb .... ~~~ fenced code tags if you use quote comments, otherwise you can select the code block and hit TAB.

Maybe there is a lot of columns?
There is nothing special about your code, maybe there is really a lot of data. Try creating a new thread, and put this code to run on it, you UI will be free to run.

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