um... i'm an IT student. i'm still a freshmen though... i'm kinda confused with c programming. i have to make this program using stack. i can add, delete, and view all records but i can't seem to make my search function work. here's my codes, hopw anyone can help. thanks! :)

#include <stdio.h>

struct bookstore{

    char title[15];
    char author[15];
    int booknum;
    char publisher[15];
    int quantity;
    struct bookstore *end;

typedef struct bookstore *book;
book add, first, del,temp;

void insert(void);
void delete(void);
void viewall(void);
book search(void);

    int choice=0;
        printf("Bookstore Data Entry System\n");
        printf("\n[1] Add a Book");
        printf("\n[2] Delete a Book");
        printf("\n[3] Display Books from Stack");
        printf("\n[4] Search");
        printf("\n[5] Exit");
        printf("\nChoice: ");

            case 1: insert(); break;
            case 2: printf("\n\n\n\n");
                printf("Latest Entry Deleted.");
            case 3: viewall(); break;
            case 4: search(); break;
    }while(choice != 5);


void insert(void)
    add = (book)malloc(sizeof(struct bookstore)); fflush(stdin);
    printf("\nBook Number:    "); scanf("%d",&add->booknum); fflush(stdin);
    printf("\nBook Title: "); gets(add->title);  fflush(stdin);
    printf("\nAuthor:     "); gets(add->author); fflush(stdin);
    printf("\nQuantity:      "); scanf("%d",&add->quantity); fflush(stdin);
    printf("\nPublisher:  "); gets(add->publisher); fflush(stdin);
    add->end = first;
    first = add;

void delete(void)
    del = first;
    first = first->end;

void viewall(void)
    del = first;
    printf("\nBookstore Data Entry System\n\n");
        printf("\nBook Number:    %s",del->booknum);
        printf("\nBook Title: %s",del->title);
        printf("\nAuthor:     %s",del->author);
        printf("\nQuantity:      %d",del->quantity);
        printf("\nPublisher:  %s",del->publisher);
        del = del->end;

book search(void)
            int i;
            printf("\n\nEnter book number to be SEARCHED: ");
            booknum = &i;
            temp = first;
        while(temp != NULL)
            if(temp->booknum == i)
            printf("\nNo record");
            temp = temp->bookstore;
        printf("\nBook Number:    %s",del->booknum);
        printf("\nBook Title: %s",del->title);
        printf("\nAuthor:     %s",del->author);
        printf("\nQuantity:      %d",del->quantity);
        printf("\nPublisher:  %s",del->publisher);


i think so the program is perfect check if there is an linking problem from your side

>i think so the program is perfect
Then you're not qualified to help. The code is *horrible* in so many ways. However, because I'm pressed for time, I'll refrain from describing all of the problems in detail and focus only on the search function.

>booknum = &i;
What's this?

>if(temp->booknum == i)
>printf("\nNo record");
Wait, you're searching for a book number equal to i, so why do you say there are no records when you find it?

>printf("\nBook Number: %s",del->booknum);
booknum is an integer. Printing it as a string is bad news. Also, at this point del will be a null pointer, which is even more bad news.

Why on earth are you modifying your search key?

Try this instead:

book search(void)
  int i;
  printf("\n\nEnter book number to be SEARCHED: ");
  temp = first;
  while(temp != NULL) {
    if(temp->booknum == i) {
      printf("\nBook Number: %d",temp->booknum);
      printf("\nBook Title: %s",temp->title);
      printf("\nAuthor: %s",temp->author);
      printf("\nQuantity: %d",temp->quantity);
      printf("\nPublisher: %s",temp->publisher);
    temp = temp->end;

  if ( temp == NULL )
    printf ( "No record\n" );

  return temp;

Of course, it's much better to avoid doing I/O in a utility function. You would be better off passing the search key as an argument and returning the found item, or NULL. Then the calling function can use that information as it pleases rather than having the search function force potentially undesired behavior:

book search(int key)
  temp = first;

  while ( temp != NULL ) {
    if ( temp->booknum == key )
    temp = temp->end;

  return temp;
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