Need help with just a couple of minor errors.

for the lab I am currently doing I have 2 service/class (no clients or application classes).

these are my errors error: not a statement
        Cars D = (Car2) car
        ^ error: ';' expected
        Cars D = (Car2) car

Can I simply fix them by adding a semi-colon or calling it car instead.

Car2 service class

 * Java Car Service class
 * @author Blake
 * 2/20/2012

  * Default constructor.
public class Car2 
   private int yearModel; // The car's year model
    private String make; // The car's make
    private int speed; // The car's speed
    private String license; // The car's license

     * Constructor that initializes the model, make and speed of the car.
     * @param newYearModel - Year Model of the car
     * @param newMake - Make of the car

    public Car2(int newYearModel, String newMake, String newLicense)
    yearModel = newYearModel;
    make = newMake;
    license = newLicense;
    speed = 0;

     * Changes Year Model
     * @param yearmodel - new year model
    public void setYearModel(int y )
    yearModel = y;

     * Accesses Year model
     * @return year model of the car
    public int getYearModel()
    return yearModel;

     * Changes Make
     * @param make - new year model
    public void setMake(String m)
    make = m;

     * Accesses Make
     * @return make of the car
    public String getMake()
    return make;

    public void setLicense(String l)
    license = l;

    public String getLicense()
    return license;

     * Changes Speed
     * @param speed - new speed
    public void setSpeed (int s)
    speed = s;

     * Accesses Speed
     * @return speed of the car
    public int getSpeed()
    return speed;

     * Changes Speed
     * @param accelerates speed in increments of 5
    public void accelerate()

    speed += 5; 


     * Changes Speed
     * @param decelerate speed in increments of 5
    public void brake()
    speed -= 5;


    /**public String toString()
       return "yearModel" + yearModel + "make" + make + "license" + license;

    public String toString () 
    String str = "\nCars in Collection:\n";          
    if (inUse ==0); 
    for ( int index =0; index < inUse; index++) 
          str +=cars [index] + " "; 
    return str;  

    public boolean equals(Car2 car)
       if (car instanceof Car2)
        Cars D = (Car2) car
        (this.newYearModel(), this.newMake(), this.newSpeed(), this.newLicense());


Carcollection service class

 * Java Car Service class
 * @author Blake
 * 2/20/2012

public class CarCollection
   private Car2 cars[] ;
    private int maxSize =3;
    private int currentSize;
    private int inUse;

    public CarCollection()
       maxSize = 3;
        inUse = 0;

    public CarCollection(int maxSize)
       maxSize = maxSize;
        inUse = 0;

    /**public boolean add(int newYearModel, String newMake, String newLicense)
   {    boolean success;
        if (currentSize < maxSize)
        {   Collection collection3 = new Car2(newYearModel, newMake, newLicense);
            collection[currentSize] = collection3;
            success = true;
            success = false;

        return success;

    /**public boolean remove(String license)

        boolean found = false;
        for (int i=0; i<collection.length && !found; i++)
        { if (license[i] == datatoberemoved)
          { location = i;
            found = true;

    if (found)
    { for (string i=location; i<collection-1; i++)
          { license[i] = license[i+1];

        public int currentSize(int currentSize)
           return currentSize;

        public int getCurrentSize()
           return currentSize;

        public int setMaxSize(int Maxsize)
           return MaxSize;
        public int getMaxSize()
           return maxSize();

        public void add(int newYearModel, String newMake , String newlicense)
         Car2 myCars = new Car2 (newyYear, newMake, newlicense);
         cars [inUse]= myCars;
         inUse ++;

        public void remove (String license)
      boolean success = true;
        if (cars.equalsIgnoreCase(Sweet))
        inUse --;
        success = false;
        return success;

        public String toString ()
           String str = "Number of cars that are required";
            if (collection.length == 0)
               str = "\n no cars are required \n:";
            for (int index=0; index < collection.length; index++)
            str += nums[index];

            return str;


You have to end 'block' by insrt ;

Cars D = (Car2) car;

Good luck!

Cars D = (Car2) car

you don't have a Cars class, don't initialize with a class that doesn't exist

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