I have queue class as below

public class queue
    bool Empty() const;
    void Enqueue(message^);
    void Dequeue();
        void DisplayAll() const;
        gcroot<String^> bindingkey;
        queue(queue const& obj);

    ListNode* head;
    ListNode* tail;

queue::queue():head(nullptr), tail(nullptr) {}

    while (head != nullptr)

//bool queue::Empty() const
//    return head == nullptr;

//String^ queue::Next() const
//    return head->msg;

void queue::Enqueue(message^ key)
    if (head == nullptr)
        head = tail = new ListNode(key);
        tail->next = new ListNode(key);
        tail = tail->next;

void queue::Dequeue()
    ListNode* temp = head->next;
    delete head;
    head = temp;

void queue::DisplayAll() const
    for (ListNode* p = head; p; p = p->next)
                Console::WriteLine("the element is {0}", p->msg->routingk);


int main(array<System::String^> ^args)
  //four queues are created and added to the list of the queues
   queue *usa = new queue;
   queue *weather = new queue;
   queue *news = new queue;
   queue *europe = new queue;

Can I have the name of the queue as STRING. PLEASE HELP.

Hello! I don't really understand your question. Do you want to programatically get the name of the pointer that points to a certain queue object? I think that could be rather tricky. What are you gonna use this for? I'm sure there's another way to solve your problem.

Emil Olofsson

Thanks for reply, I want to store the name of the queue like usa, weather as strings.

Thanks for reply, I want to strore the name of the queue like usa, weather as strings.

Yes Emil you are right that what I want. To programatically get the name of the pointer that points to a certain queue object and store it as string.How can I do this please help.

as far as i could understand ur question (if correctly), that wot u r trying to do.. try creating another structure, and add some 'char *name' and 'queue Q' *as its data members. then if u create an array of that 'stucture type', u'll have an instance of queue at each index, along with " *name" wich u may use to correspond to each queue...

there can be many other ways too :)

commented: Thanks for your help I appreciate your answer. +1

Thanks for answer. Can you explain it with some coding please. What other ideas you think suit best with the situation.

You could add a member called name of type char*to your queue class. Then you could change the constructor to request a string that will be the name of your list:

public class queue
    bool Empty() const;
    void Enqueue(message^);
    void Dequeue();
    void DisplayAll() const;
    gcroot<String^> bindingkey;
    queue(queue const& obj);
    ListNode* head;
    ListNode* tail;
    char* name; // Added this

queue::queue(char* _name):head(nullptr), tail(nullptr), name(_name) {}

You can of course change it to some other string type if you would like that better. I hope it works!

commented: thanks +1
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