Well I'm quite a noob programmer, but I wonder if Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express edition programs in .NET or in VB 6

(This might be a really silly question)

Thank You.

It is in .Net. There is no way to buy VB6, as it has been replaced by Visual Studio.

Ok. But now when I want to use one of my programs on another computer, I need to install .net there. Is there a way to avoid needing the .net component or including it in the executable?

You can compact it in the executable, but makes the executable huge. This program allows you to do that, but you have to buy it in order to get full features. http://www.xenocode.com/

Besides that, no they are going to have to download the framework.

Sheesh... Ive made a lot of programs with vb-6 and before, but am having my troubles with visual basic...I also have visual studio.... Does anyone have a step-by-step write up on how to make an exe file that is usable on another compter whether or not it needs the .net framework? Also, is there an issue with Vista and exe too?

Well, it depends on your exe's. You said that you already wrote bunch of stuff, so you do have executables - are you refferencing some COM objects? The dll has to come with the executables. There is no universal answer here. As far as .Net is concerned - most people that have Windows already have .Net installed. It will be hard to find a machine without it. As far as Vista is concerned, it depends on a given executables, some things would work, others would not.

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