When i Connect to Mysql using TURBO C++,im getting error unable to open include file mysql.h mysql_version.h mysql_con.h mysql_time.h

i added the include files and set path . even then im getting error . help me :(

You can't do that with Turbo C++ because it's too old. Get a modern 32-bit compiler such as Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express. Tubeo C++ is a MS-DOS only compiler.

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You can't do that with Turbo C++ because it's too old. Get a modern 32-bit compiler such as Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express. Tubeo C++ is a MS-DOS only compiler

Well, i disagree... It is possible...I've done it myself.. U just have to make sure the directories are correctly entered and that u've put the headers where they are supposed to be..

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