I'm new to vb so it is no surprise that I am stuck. I have this code and it runs as it should but I get a the Error "Run-time error '91: Object variable or With block variable not set". How can I fix this and have it continue on to the rest of my code.
Thank You,

        Selection.FormFields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:= _

        If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then
        End If

   Loop Until Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = False

It would help to know what type of objects you are dealing with.

It's because you did not make your do loop correctly
look at the proper syntax of the do/untill loop.

commented: Invalid post. You should read on how to write a while statement before posting that one is incorrect when its perfectly fine. -2

Incorrect. This is a perfectly valid implementation of a do loop. It is valid (and sometimes desirable) to put the test at the bottom of the loop.

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My down vote got cut off. So I had to finish it with a post.


Heres an excerpt from the directions on a while statement. This comes from Microsoft. Not some wanna be website: a.k.a. java2s.com. Maybe you should find some better resources.

Do { While | Until } condition
    [ statements ]
    [ Exit Do ]
    [ statements ]
    [ statements ]
    [ Exit Do ]
    [ statements ]
Loop { While | Until } condition
commented: nice and complete reply +0
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