
I have just started learning VB.NET and recently tried to write my first piece of code.
I am getting an error message that says: ******Statement cannot appear within a method body.End of method assumed.
Here's my piece of code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    Dim name1, name2 As String

    name1 = "Walter Bishop"
    name2 = "Olivia Dunham"

    MsgBox("The main characters of FRINGE are " & name1 & "and" & name2)

End Sub

Could someone please help me understand why this is happening? Thanks!

there is no error in this code but it suold be inside the class

You are missing some syntax somewhere in the class, most likely a method that has no End Sub.


Your Class should look like this:

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim name1, name2 As String
        name1 = "Walter Bishop"
        name2 = "Olivia Dunham"
        MsgBox("The main characters of FRINGE are " & " " & name1 & " " & "and" & " " & name2)
    End Sub
End Class

BTW your code is working perfect.
I only changed the message a little to make it more readable.

I did write it all within the class...complete with End Class....just gave out the main code here...didn't work!

Thanks everyone, it just worked!

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