I know zilch about electronics, that is why I am on this site, because I have a problem. I do R & D in the world of Metaphysics, and my specialised subject is Subtle Energies. Normally in this field we have to use things like Pendulums, stick pads, muscle testing etc to obtain answers, not to mention intuition, none of which are good, because the mind can interfer with the result. I believe that a True Random Generator might be the answer. I want one that I can plug into my computer (Mac OS X) via USB, and create lists of anything on my computer then randomly generate something from that list - sometimes list would be in hundreds. Must be able to retain lists on computer. One other factor, would like to be able to randomly generate a place anywhere in the world from longitude and latitudes, so may have to link with something like google. So basically I want somethings very versatile that I can create what i want to do. I have tried a few freebies on various sites and they tend to have glitches or be limiting in some way. Can anyone help, or explain in words or one syllable given my complete lack of electronic knowledge. Thank you

MagicInvisibleFriendsWhoLiveInTheSkyAndGrantWishesToThosWhoBelieveInThem, did not think it was possible to find something sillier, but there it is, expanding the limitations.
on a strictly engineering level. magic science gadgets that do anything you imagine, as soon as you imagine it, after the fact, dont exist, the limits you notie, are logical limits, the device/software only does what it is supposed to.
though you do have an imagination,
Much of the inherent belief system can be cured with logic and anti-psychotics

Setting aside issues about your Belief System (since I am no one to talk, given that my own BS is far stranger), I would mention that at least some 64-bit Intel chips have built-in entropy sources that can be accessed with the RDRAND instruction. On Macs which have this instruction, you should be able to use the /dev/random device to access it, though I am not certain which models, if any, actually implement this.

Wikipedia has a short list of companies which sell HRNGs. It also mentions randomness servers, which can accessed online.

I do R & D in the world of Metaphysics, and my specialised subject is Subtle Energies.

LOL! First time I hear about Research and Development in a branch of philosophy, let alone a non-empirical branch of philosophy. As for subtle energies, I bet they're subtle all right.

If you love random generation and metaphysics, you want to take a look at this random Deepak Chopra quote generator.

Normally in this field we have to use things like Pendulums, stick pads, muscle testing etc to obtain answers, not to mention intuition, none of which are good, because the mind can interfer with the result. I believe that a True Random Generator might be the answer.

I'm not sure what answers you are looking for, especially as you seem to want random answers. Anyways, you're right about one thing, the human mind is one of the worst source for random numbers or random answers, it's a provable fact that a human brain is completely incapable of coming up with a random choice (e.g., illusionists or "mentalists" use this fact a lot to perform their tricks). If you use just a basic pseudo-random number generator (which is basic standard function in just about every programming language that exists), then it will probably be totally sufficient for this purpose (at least, if your basis for comparison is a pendulum or a human mind!).

create lists of anything on my computer then randomly generate something from that list - sometimes list would be in hundreds.

That shouldn't be a problem at all. Depends what is the "anything on my computer", do you mean files on your computer? You can easily generate a list of all files on your computer (or within a folder), and then have a random number generator pick any one of them, any number of times.

Must be able to retain lists on computer.

Memory on computers is by far large enough to contain hundreds of hundreds of such records of guesses.

One other factor, would like to be able to randomly generate a place anywhere in the world from longitude and latitudes, so may have to link with something like google.

That's a piece of cake:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>

int main() {
  std::srand((unsigned int)std::time(NULL));

  double lat = 0.018 * (std::rand() % 10000) - 90.0;
  double lon = 0.018 * (std::rand() % 20000) - 180.0;

  char google_map_url[512];
  std::sprintf(google_map_url, "xdg-open \"http://maps.google.com/maps?z=12&t=h&q=loc:%f+%f\"", lat, lon);
  return 0;

Compile this and every time you run it, it will pop-up google-maps on a random location by lattitude and longitude.

So basically I want somethings very versatile that I can create what i want to do.

That's called a "programming language", like C++ (which is the language on this forum!). You'll never get an application that will allow you to wish for magical things and make them happen. All the things you've described are extremely easy to do for a programmer with a bit of experience, but no-one is going to develop an application just for your particular problem, unless you pay them. So, you'll either have to learn to do it yourself (one way or another), or contract somebody for the job.

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