I try to open vb6 file to visual basic 2008 but have a problem during a converting.
here's the error that appear,

Can anyone please help me to fix this error. Thank you in advance.

That error can sometimes appear if you have any files in the 2005 project that do not have file extensions.

I have check many times and found 2 files do not have file extension and I already rename it with file extension. But when I try to convert it again, that error still appear.

It might also be a file naming convention where you have named certain files containg (CON, COMx, LPTx, KBD, NUL, AUX, PRN) etc.

Have a look at a full solution from Microsoft HERE. Please do not forget to mark this as solved if it worked for you, thanx.

I cant understand...should I rename the file name at Registry Editor or rename at vb files?

can anyone help me...i have no idea how to remove that error.
I already rename the file that doesn't have file extension. eg: frmStatusStt to frmStatusStt.frm
Than, i dont know whether i should rename at registry editor or at vb files because I have try to rename at registry editor and reran the conversion wizard but that error still appear...

Did you read through the Microsoft solution I posted above?

Rename ALL your files used in your vb app, making use of conventional naming procedures i.e. - a form should start with a prefix of frm, a module as mod etc. You should now have your forms named i.e. frmMain.frm and NOT Main.frm, modData and NOT Data.bas, clsStuff and Not Stuff.cls etc.

Hope this clears this your problem.

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