Hi folks,

Im currently doing a media player, ripper and burner and was wondering if anyone could help me with a few things. Im looking for

- how to create a display to show track name, slider bar, track time etc.
- code for a cd burner (cant seem to find any)
- how to create a playlist (can you use custom list boxes or what?)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well, you could use the Windows Media Player Control for the player, that will display the song name, and allow you to control the volume. To do this, you need to add a reference to the C:\Windows\System32\wmp.dll. you can then add a control to the form from there.

As for the CD burner take a look at the XP Burn Component http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/downloads/samples/xpburn/

For the playlists, if you use the WMP control, I am pretty sure there are built in methods for playlists.

If you need a small sample, on how to play songs with the WMP control let me know, I will put one together...

I used the Windows Media Player control like you suggested but I cant really use it as you have to use the whole WMP interface. I already have my own design and buttons for the player and what im looking for is just a small display to use on my own interface. Its for a project so I if I just used the WMP interface id get zero marks!!

You can embed it so, its not visible, then use your own buttons to control it. The interface doesn't have to be visible.

Really sorry to keep bugging you but do you know how that can be done? Ive searched for articles and examples on the web but no luck. Have you ever done it before or do you know any good sites?


Ok, well I have changed my mind ;). There is a good chance that if your not allowed to use the WMP Interface, you won't be allowe to use its controlls. So I have attached a little Media Player project that I whipped up, that plays media files, without the WMP control.

It has the follwoing features.

-Play, pause, stop button
-Shows Track File
-Slider Bar

If you have any question feel free to ask :).

Coded on the 2.0 framework...

Thanks a million man, gonna try that out. The only problem im left with though is creating playlists. Its no problem using the WMP control cos all I have to design myself is the interface. For the actual functionality (burning, playlists etc) Im using code Ive found on the web. Does the WMP control help with playlists or will i have to look elsewhere.

Thanks again, youve been a great help so far!

I did a little project attempting to build my own little mp3 player that listened for keys like ctrl+alt+n for next. All the things I found to play a MP3 looked like it needed C++ so I moved to another project due to time constraints.

Anyways what I did is instead of creating a gui playlist is I dedicated a folder for my mp3. When the program started it built a new list of all the files *.mp3 in that folder and stuck it in an array. When the next button or previous button was pressed it either sutracted one or plus one on the array and passed the full filepath to the mp3 player class.

This is how I did it and if you want I could go through and try to find the project I wrote. That was on my last laptop and was about 6 months ago. Well hope that helps and that is my two cents worth.

Good Luck!!

Thanks a million man, gonna try that out. The only problem im left with though is creating playlists. Its no problem using the WMP control cos all I have to design myself is the interface. For the actual functionality (burning, playlists etc) Im using code Ive found on the web. Does the WMP control help with playlists or will i have to look elsewhere.

Thanks again, youve been a great help so far!

Yeah that would be great if you could find that project. My project has to be in on Wednesday (4 days!!) so if you cant find it before then thats fine.

Thanks again,

Hiiii !!!!!!
i am trying to make An enhanced media player.....can anyone help me in coding.......if u hav a sample code for media player in c#.....pls send me at rahul_ratnawat26....

thank you very much.... it helps me alot..

Hi there!
I have pretty much fininshed a audio/video/picture player in C#. I can not for the life of me find how to simply code the trackbar to the song/video i have playing referenced to a textbox. CAN ANYBODY HELP ME?


e7r2kooo where code media paler ???

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