hey i have a question how do i get my funktion to work in the design.cs?

namespace Visma_projekt
    public class BlackJack
        public string[] Cards = new string[51];
        public void SkapaKort()

i want to call the funktion from this code visma.cs into the form1 design button

namespace Visma_projekt
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

the first code is visma.cs
the secound one is form1.cs
thank you for answers

Since SkapaKort is not a static method, you'll need to create an object of type BlackJack then call the method through that object, i.e.

BlackJack myObject = new BlackJack();

thank you Momerath works good :)

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