I was going to start Apache/Tomcat as root but Ive rethought it and have gone against it.

How can I make my web service read/write from "/"? I keep getting permission denied exceptions...

That's the root directory (where every directory is branched off, read this intro to unix file system). Why would you allow public to read/write the root directory? It is not Windows. What you may need to do is to allow access to a correct directory from the root, not the root directory.

That's the root directory (where every directory is branched off, read this intro to unix file system). Why would you allow public to read/write the root directory? It is not Windows. What you may need to do is to allow access to a correct directory from the root, not the root directory.

The reason is irrelevant :) I know the security risks/issues. If a exploit is found, the person has access to the entire system. I fully understand this.

I just want to do it :)

OK, maybe these 2 links (this and this) may clearify something. Not exactly sure how you want to set it up though.

Thank you!

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