Hey guys I'm having a minor issue here, I'm having an issue with my sterling.cpp in the add functions sterling add(sterling s1, sterling s2) my question is how do I get it to realize when my shillings is > 20 to goto pounds and when my pence is > 12 to goto shillings? I have the driver.cpp to test out situations to make sure it all works. When it adds the numbers up it isn't just right. Any adivce?

//Driver.cpp my test
#include <iostream>
#include "sterling.h"
using namespace std;

int main(){

    sterling s;

    sterling u = make_sterling(1, 20, 12);

    sterling    a = add(s, u);

    return 0;

//sterling.cpp my functions
#include <iostream>
#include "sterling.h"
using namespace std;

sterling make_sterling(int po, int s, int pe){

    sterling    temp;

    temp.pounds = po;
    temp.shillings = s;
    temp.pence = pe;

    return temp;

sterling make_sterling(int pe){

    sterling temp;

    temp.pounds = pe / 240;
    pe %= 240;

    temp.shillings = pe / 20;
    temp.pence = pe % 12;

    return temp;

sterling add(sterling s1, sterling s2){
    int i1 = s1.pounds * 240 + s1.shillings * 12 + s1.pence;
    int i2 = s1.pounds * 240 + s1.shillings * 12 + s1.pence;

    return make_sterling(i1 + i2);

void print(const sterling& a_sterling){

    cout << (char)156 << a_sterling.pounds << "." << a_sterling.shillings
        << "." << a_sterling.pence << endl;
    cout.fill(' ');

void read(sterling* s){

    cout <<"Please enter the pounds: ";
    cin >> s->pounds;
    cout <<"Please enter the shillings: ";
    cin >> s->shillings;
    cout <<"Please enter the pence: ";
    cin >> s->pence;

//header sterling.h
struct sterling
    int pounds;
    int shillings;
    int pence;


sterling make_sterling(int po, int s, int pe);
sterling make_sterling(int pe);
sterling add(sterling s1, sterling s2);
void print(const sterling& a_sterling);
void read(sterling* s);

any help out there?

Your code seems to run OK, not that output would make much sense for me...

Well whats going on is when it adds the pounds.shillings.pence its not making 12+pence into shillings and 20+ shillings into pounds if that makes sense. The output I have in my driver is just the user enters there own pounds shillings and pence then it adds to the one stored in the program and shows the total.

There is something in one of these functions that is making my output wrong. I;m just not seeing it any ideas?

sterling make_sterling(int pe){

    sterling temp;

    temp.pounds = pe / 240;
    pe %= 240;

    temp.shillings = pe / 20;
    temp.pence = pe % 12;

    return temp;

sterling add(sterling s1, sterling s2){
    int i1 = s1.pounds * 240 + s1.shillings * 12 + s1.pence;
    int i2 = s2.pounds * 240 + s2.shillings * 12 + s2.pence;

    return make_sterling(i1 + i2);

You have posted many functions, but no indication how you have tested each. Actually I think you should have converted everything to pence on input and only pretty print output using the other units.

I've tested each function but my equations are just not coming out right.
I just feel so lost at this point lol. I've had it add 1 pound 20 shillings 12 pence + 1 pound 20 shillings 12 pence = its coming out as 4 pound 1 shillings 0 pence that's not right? Also I would like it to convert the shillings and pence over when above the 20 shillings and 12 pence when it out puts the number entered. If that makes sense.

Double-check whether this is doing what you expect it to, keeping in mind how many pennies there are in a shilling.

temp.shillings = pe / 20;
temp.pence = pe % 12;

should I do the remainder of both? and not divide.

    temp.shillings = pe % 19;
    temp.pence = pe % 11;

Footnote: the problem you're seeing is a good example of the type of problem that arises from using magic numbers in your code rather than named constants. If you're not sure what I mean, feel free to ask.

I'm not sure what you mean if you could explain I would appreciate it.

should I do the remainder of both? and not divide.

No, just double check what your expression is for. You're calculating how many shillings there are in a given number of pennies, but you're diving by the number of shillings in a pound (20) rather than how many pennies in a shilling (12) -- even though you correctly use 12 on the next line.

    temp.shillings = pe / 12;
    temp.pence = pe % 12;
temp.shillings = pe / 12;
temp.pence = pe % 12;

Yeah, does that help? How is your output?

Now imagine that instead of typing 12 or 20 or 240 everywhere within your code, you replaced those literals with a named constant, for example:

const int PENNIES_IN_POUNDS = 240;
const int SHILLINGS_IN_POUNDS = 20;
const int PENNIES_IN_SHILLINGS = 12;

The lines above then become:

temp.shillings = pe / PENNIES_IN_SHILLINGS;
temp.pence = pe % PENNIES_IN_SHILLINGS;

If you go one step further and use a more meaningful name rather than the abbreviation 'pe', you have something like:

temp.shillings = pennies / PENNIES_IN_SHILLINGS;
temp.pence = pennies % PENNIES_IN_SHILLINGS;

You've replaced the magic numbers (12 in this case) with constants with meaningful names (PENNIES_IN_SHILLINGS).

The output came out correctly thank you for the help on that one it makes a lot more since now about replacing the magic numbers.

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