A coffee shop offers a range of drinks

  • Tea - $1.00
  • Coffee - $1.50
  • Hot Chocolate - $2.00
  • Chai Latte - $1.75
  • Flat White - $2.20

You will need to create a program that keeps track of the total spent after each order.

  • At the end of the day the manager will end the program.
  • It will now print out the total amount of drinks sold that day.
  • A breakdown for the amount of each drink.
  • The cost of drinks can be assumed to be 20c, 25c, 50c, 25c and 50c per cup.
  • Total cost of all drinks should be removed from profit.
  • All running costs will equate to $10 per day.
  • The company employees will recieve a pay-out of 2% of the days profits if they have sold more than 20
    Chai Latte or Flat Whites.

The solution MUST be modular.

It must use the functions for

Example of layout -


Add in sale? Y/N: Y
Drink type?

1.      Tea
2.      Coffee
3.      Hot Chocolate
4.      Chai Latte
5.      Flat White
You Chose: 3

Add in sale?: N

Total sales: 1
Total tea sales: 1
Total coffee sales: 0
Total hot chocolate sales: 0
Total chai latte sales: 0 
Total flat white sales: 0

Total value of today's sales: $2.00
Running costs on drinks: $0.50

Total profit for today: $1.50

No incentive targets met.
Incentive payout: $0.00


I can't decide which answer is most appropriate, so I'll provide both:

  1. Do your own damn homework!
  2. Please provide proof of effort and then ask a specific question if you want help with this problem.

I agree with deceptikon, you will never learn if you dont even give it a try.

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