
um, could you restate that in a way that actually makes sense?

Remember, companies hiring programmers want 'excellent oral and written communication skills', so I suggest learning the English language (or whatever is most appropriate) before going into the debate of C# vs. VB.

In response to your question, though:
Version 1: You want to know which language will get you more money if you use it professionally.

You should know both, or have programming fundamentals such that you can adapt readily to either. Coding isn't just syntax, it's concepts that are often shared between languages. If you know what you want to be doing, you can probably find a way to do it in any language.

Version 2:
How can you earn more money in C# or VB?
Practice, Practice, Practice.

Good luck.

commented: awesome. +3

Learn several languages. You may want to learn one language that runs on more than just Microsoft platform.

Remember, companies hiring programmers want 'excellent oral and written communication skills', so I suggest learning the English language (or whatever is most appropriate) before going into the debate of C# vs. VB.

In response to your question, though:
Version 1: You want to know which language will get you more money if you use it professionally.

You should know both, or have programming fundamentals such that you can adapt readily to either. Coding isn't just syntax, it's concepts that are often shared between languages. If you know what you want to be doing, you can probably find a way to do it in any language.

Version 2:
How can you earn more money in C# or VB?
Practice, Practice, Practice.

Good luck.

absolutly agree with this.

I htink be versatile in many languages and understanding the concepts of a language is super important. being able to take what you learn in one language and use it on another is probably one of the single most important skills you can have.

In my time i started on on C, it was a little above me at the time (i was about 12) so i later moved to HTML, having the basics of C behind me i was able to attatch meaning behind tags, now that ive used HTML on almost a daily basis i have moved to other languages like PHP a scripting language with many of the same functions and statements as C++, i have able able to be succesfull in PHP because of this. I then moved on to SQL (which i am still a newbie). Now currently working in C# i can say that i could not do nearly as well if i had not had any programming background.

here is a good example of something i am working on:

(a small IP calculator right now)

privatevoid btnCalc_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//clear the various boxes
txtCIDR.Text = "";
txtSubNetShown.Text = "";
txtBitsBorrow.Text = "";
//pull the value into the variable
double dblSubnetsNeeded, dblBitsToBorrow, dblNET4; 
dblSubnetsNeeded = Double.Parse(txtSubnetsNeeded.Text); 
//if they only need one subnet what to do
if (dblSubnetsNeeded <= 1 || dblSubnetsNeeded >= 256)
//Value to high or too low
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter a Value Betweeen 2 and 255", "Error: Value Range", 
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//what to do if they want more than one
//determin number of bits to borrow
dblBitsToBorrow = Math.Log(dblSubnetsNeeded)/Math.Log(2);
//Declare Variables to Handle left over bits
decimal decBitsToBorrow = Convert.ToDecimal(dblBitsToBorrow),
//Mod out the decimal
decBitsLeftOver = (decBitsToBorrow % 1);
//if there are decimal places
if (decBitsLeftOver > 0)
//remove the decimal places, incriment the bits by one and then convert for display
decBitsToBorrow = decBitsToBorrow - decBitsLeftOver;
decBitsToBorrow += 1; 

//display the bits to borrow
txtBitsBorrow.Text = String.Format( "{0:0}", decBitsToBorrow);
//display the current subnet
dblBitsToBorrow = Convert.ToDouble(decBitsToBorrow);
//determin the subnet
dblNET4 = 256 - ((Math.Pow(2, 8)) - (Math.Pow (2, (8-dblBitsToBorrow))));
/* the following section will display the first few results of the subnet addy */
//variables for the first subnet, counter and highest subnet
double dblFirstNET4 = dblNET4 - dblNET4,
dblNETStore = dblNET4,
dblHighestSubnet = 255 - dblNET4;
//display first and second subnets
lstNetAdd.Items.Add( "192.168.1." + dblFirstNET4);
lstNetAdd.Items.Add( "192.168.1." + dblNET4); 
/*end pre-address display*/
/*Now itterate through the last of the subnets*/
//only work untill we are are less than highest subnet
while (dblNET4 < dblHighestSubnet ) 
//increment the subnet by one and display the subnet
dblNET4 = dblNET4 + dblNETStore;
lstNetAdd.Items.Add( "192.168.1." + dblNET4);
/*end itteration*/
/*Show CIDR notation and #of Subnets*/
decimal decCIDR = 24 + decBitsToBorrow; 
txtCIDR.Text += "/";
txtCIDR.Text += String.Format( "{0:0}", decCIDR);
txtSubNetShown.Text = Convert.ToString(lstNetAdd.Items.Count);
/*end CIDR and subnets*/

i know that i would not have been able to make it nearly as far as i have now if i had not had background in many languages and the ability to make connections between. (noted that i have had probably only a couple months of work in C#).

Even know i still rely on my ability to use different languages.

I am currently desiging a flash website for a customer, in the short months or so that i have been working on his site i have to learn actionscript, learn how to post to pages, use PHP to post pages and incorperate Java into my forms for more dynamic uses. (and i personally suck with java)

The best way to earn the most is to practice, and not just learn how to write a hello world statement, but understand it.

Learn several languages. You may want to learn one language that runs on more than just Microsoft platform.

you can build your programs to run on any platform i believe, but i do believe that can add hassle to it.

not only that, but the programs have to be running on a system with .net platform installed!

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