Define a getTopTwoScores() function with the specification and prototype shown below:

// Set highest to the score with highest value and secondHighest to the score with the next highest value.
// If there are two highest scores with the same value then set both highest and secondHighest to that value.
// If numScores is 1 then set both highest and secondHighest to scores[0]
void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest) ;

Here is the driver (main()) used to test my function.

#include <iostream>
 #include <iomanip>
 using namespace std;

const int MAX_SCORES = 10; // Maximum number of scores

void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest);

int main() {

  double scores[MAX_SCORES];
   int scoreCount;
   double highestScore, secondHighestScore;
   cin >> scoreCount;
   scoreCount = min(scoreCount, MAX_SCORES);
   for (int i = 0; i < scoreCount; i++)
     cin >> scores[i];
   getTopTwoScores(scores, scoreCount, highestScore, secondHighestScore) ;
   cout << highestScore << " " << secondHighestScore << endl;
   return 0;

Here is my solution:

void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest)
 highest = scores[1];
 secondHighest = scores[2];
 if(highest == secondHighest)
 highest = scores[numScores];
 secondHighest = scores[numScores];
 if(numScores == 1)
 highest = scores[0];
 secondHighest = scores[0];

Here is my output:

Input: 9 45 76 87 65 87 45 76 67 74
Output: 76.00 87.00

Here is the expected output I am trying to get:

Input: 9 45 76 87 65 87 45 76 67 74
Output: 87.00 87.00

What lines of code do I need to change? Did I place the values incorrectly?

Your getTopTwoScores() method simply picks the array elements 1 and 2 for the highest two scores (which are 76 and 87). You'll need to use a loop to find the highest scores, like you did to get the scores from input.

Is this what you meant?

void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest)
    for (int i = 0; i < highest; i++)
        highest = scores[1];
        secondHighest = scores[2];
        if(highest == secondHighest)
            highest = scores[numScores];
            secondHighest = scores[numScores];
        if(numScores == 1)
            highest = scores[0];
            secondHighest = scores[0];

Not exactly... you'll pretty well need to start that method from scratch. Very generally: you need to keep a record of the highest and second highest, and in each iteration you need to compare the element to the current highest and second highest and adjust appropriately.

Here is my updated solution:

void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest)
    highest = 0;
    secondHighest = 0;
    if(numScores == 1)
        highest = scores[0];
        secondHighest = scores[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < numScores; i++)
        if(scores[i] > highest)
            highest = scores[i];
            scores[0] = highest;

        if(scores[i] <= highest && scores[i] > secondHighest)
            secondHighest = scores[i];
            scores[1] = secondHighest;

This is my output:

Input: 2 2 1
Output: 2 2

This is the expected output:

Input: 2 2 1
Output: 2 1

Is my solution correct, or do I need to change something?

Not quite, but you're getting there. Keep in mind that if you have a value as the highest, and a new value is higher, the highest will become the second highest (your first if statement in the for-loop). You should also change your second if statement in the for-loop to an else if and remove the scores[i] <= highest expresion. This ensures that, at most, one is executed. One last thing, I don't see why you would need to assign the highest and second highest back to the array.

Am I getting closer? Is there something else I need to add/fix?

void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest)
    highest = 0;
    secondHighest = 0;
    if(numScores == 1)
        highest = scores[0];
        scores[0] = secondHighest;
    for (int i = 0; i < numScores; i++)
        if(scores[i] > highest && highest < secondHighest)
            scores[i] = secondHighest;
            highest = scores[i];

        else if(scores[i] > secondHighest)
            secondHighest = scores[1];

Here is another modified solution:

void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest)
    highest = scores[0];
    int highestIndex;
    for(int i = 1; i < numScores; i++)
        if(scores[i] > highest)
            highest = scores[2];
    if(highestIndex == 0)
        secondHighest = scores[1];
        secondHighest = scores[0];
    for(int i = 1; i < numScores; i++)
        if(i != highestIndex && scores[i] > secondHighest)
            secondHighest = scores[i];
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