Hi there,

Please check my program. When i compile it i am getting error.

Cannot find default constructor to initialzie base class.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

class Parent

    double num;

      Parent(double n)                                      
        num = n;

      void sub()
        num -= 2.0;
         cout << "num = " <<num <<endl;

class Child : public Parent


        cout << "num = " <<num <<endl;

      void display()
        cout << "agian num : " <<num <<endl;


void main()

    Parent p(5.0);

    Child c;


Child implicitly calls the default constructor for Parent, but Parent doesn't have a default constructor because you explicitly defined a single argument constructor. The quickest solution would be to modify your current constructor to have a default argument such that it also acts as a default constructor:

Parent(double n = 0)                                      
    num = n;
    Parent(double n = 0)
    num = n;

If I assign 0 to n then how can i pass value to it when i make object ??

It is a default parameter. If you do not send anything then it will default to zero but if you pass a value it will get the value passed. To pass the value you would need to have a child constructor like this.

Child(int n) : Parent(n)
    cout << num;
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