So the mission here is to have all the user input data to display to the display panel. I was able to achieve this, however instead of the info display after I click the display button the info will display after clicking on any of the radio button options. Im hoping someone out there can point me in the right direction so I can get this program to display correctly. There are two classes used in this application.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import javax.swing.*;

// this class creates an entry screen for a new hourly worker
public class GBPGUI extends JFrame {

    // declare GUI components
    private JPanel headerPanel; 
    private JPanel bigPanel;
    private JPanel buttonPanel;
    private JPanel radioPanel;
    private JPanel radioPanel2;
    private JPanel sliderPanel;
    private JPanel displayButtonPanel;
    private JPanel clearButtonPanel;
    private JPanel displayPanel;
    private JLabel jlblHeader;
    private JLabel jlblAddress; 
    private JTextField jtfAddress;  
    private JRadioButton jrbNumBedrooms1;
    private JRadioButton jrbNumBedrooms2;
    private JRadioButton jrbNumBedrooms3;
    private JRadioButton jrbNumBathrooms1;
    private JRadioButton jrbNumBathrooms2;
    private JRadioButton jrbNumBathrooms3;
    private ButtonGroup bg;
    private ButtonGroup bg1;
    private JButton jbtDisplay;
    private JButton jbtClear;
    private JSlider jsldSqFeet;
    private JTextArea jtaDisplay;
    private Color green = new Color(127,255,0);
    private Color black = new Color(0,0,0);

    // main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GBPGUI frame = new GBPGUI();

    // GUI constructor
    public GBPGUI() {
        // customize appearance
        setSize(500, 700);
        setTitle("Enter new Hourly Workers");

        // call build panel methods and add panels to frame
        add(headerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

        add(bigPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

        add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);

        add(displayPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        // customize behavior
    } // end constructor

    // build header panel
    private void buildHeaderPanel() {
        headerPanel = new JPanel();

        jlblHeader = new JLabel( "Gallifrey Beach Properties" );
        jlblHeader.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.ITALIC + Font.BOLD, 24) );
        jlblHeader.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "skates.gif" ) );



    // build entry panel
    private void buildBigPanel(){
        // instantiate panel and components
        bigPanel = new JPanel();
        bigPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(4,1));
        bigPanel.setBackground( black );

        jlblAddress = new JLabel("Address: ");
        jlblAddress.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.ITALIC + Font.BOLD, 14) );
        jtfAddress = new JTextField(6);     

         radioPanel2 = new JPanel();
         radioPanel2.setLayout( new GridLayout(3,1));
         radioPanel2.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Number of bedrooms" ));
         jrbNumBedrooms1 = new JRadioButton( "1", false );
         jrbNumBedrooms2 = new JRadioButton( "2", false );
         jrbNumBedrooms3 = new JRadioButton( "3", false );

         // add buttons to a logical group so only one may be selected at a time
         bg = new ButtonGroup();
         bg.add( jrbNumBedrooms1 );
         bg.add( jrbNumBedrooms2 );
         bg.add( jrbNumBedrooms3 );
         // add radio buttons to panel
         radioPanel2.add( jrbNumBedrooms1 );
         radioPanel2.add( jrbNumBedrooms2 );
         radioPanel2.add( jrbNumBedrooms3 );
         jrbNumBedrooms1.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());
         jrbNumBedrooms2.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());
         jrbNumBedrooms3.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());
         bigPanel.add( radioPanel2 );

         radioPanel = new JPanel();
         radioPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(3,1));
         radioPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Number of bathrooms" ));
         jrbNumBathrooms1 = new JRadioButton( "1", false );
         jrbNumBathrooms2 = new JRadioButton( "2", false );
         jrbNumBathrooms3 = new JRadioButton( "3", false );

         // add buttons to a logical group so only one may be selected at a time
         bg1 = new ButtonGroup();
         bg1.add( jrbNumBathrooms1 );
         bg1.add( jrbNumBathrooms2 );
         bg1.add( jrbNumBathrooms3 );
         // add radio buttons to panel
         radioPanel.add( jrbNumBathrooms1 );
         radioPanel.add( jrbNumBathrooms2 );
         radioPanel.add( jrbNumBathrooms3 );
         jrbNumBathrooms1.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());
         jrbNumBathrooms2.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());
         jrbNumBathrooms3.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());
         bigPanel.add( radioPanel );

         sliderPanel = new JPanel();
         sliderPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "How many square feet" ));
         jsldSqFeet = new JSlider( 600, 2800, 1200);
         jsldSqFeet.setMajorTickSpacing( 1000 );
         jsldSqFeet.setMinorTickSpacing( 100 );
         jsldSqFeet.setPaintTicks( true );
         jsldSqFeet.setPaintLabels( true );
         sliderPanel.add( jsldSqFeet );
         bigPanel.add( sliderPanel );

    } // end buildEntryPanel method

    // build button panel
    private void buildButtonPanel() {
        buttonPanel = new JPanel();
        buttonPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(2,1));

        displayButtonPanel = new JPanel();

        jbtDisplay = new JButton("Display");
        jbtDisplay.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());


        clearButtonPanel = new JPanel();
        clearButtonPanel.setBackground( black);

        jbtClear = new JButton("  Clear  ");
        jbtClear.addActionListener(new ClearButtonListener());

    } // end buildButtonPanel method

    // build display panel
    private void buildDisplayPanel() {
        displayPanel = new JPanel();

        jtaDisplay = new JTextArea( 8, 40);
        jtaDisplay.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Cottage Data"));

    } // end buildDisplayPanel method

    private class DisplayButtonListener implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

            // retrieve user entered data from GUI
            String Address = jtfAddress.getText();

            String numBedrooms = "0";
            if( jrbNumBedrooms1.isSelected() ) {
                numBedrooms = "1";
            }else if(jrbNumBedrooms2.isSelected() ) {
                numBedrooms = "2";
            } else if(jrbNumBedrooms3.isSelected() ){
                numBedrooms = "3";
            String output =  "Number of bedrooms: " + numBedrooms + "\n";

            String numBathrooms = "0";
            if( jrbNumBathrooms1.isSelected() ) {
                numBathrooms = "1";
            }else if(jrbNumBathrooms2.isSelected() ) {
                numBathrooms = "2";
            } else if(jrbNumBathrooms3.isSelected() ){
                numBathrooms = "3";

            output += "The number of bathrooms: " + numBathrooms +  "\n";

            int slideNumber = jsldSqFeet.getValue();
            output += "Square feet: " + slideNumber;

            jtaDisplay.setText("The address is " + Address + "\n" + output);

            jsldSqFeet.setToolTipText(new Integer(jsldSqFeet.getValue()).toString());               
            String sqFeet = jsldSqFeet.getToolTipText();
            Cottage c = new Cottage(Address, numBedrooms, numBathrooms, sqFeet, 5000);  


    } // end DisplayButtonListener class

    private class ClearButtonListener implements ActionListener{
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

    } // end ClearButtonListener class


the code in which the GUI calss upon is here.

public class Cottage {

    // ***** Instance variables *****
    private String address;
    private String numBedrooms;
    private String numBathrooms;
    private String sqFeet;
    private int askingPrice;
    //private Double rent;

    public Cottage() {
        //call super class

    public Cottage(String address, String numBedrooms, String numBathrooms, 
            String sqFeet, int askingPrice) {
        //assign subclass variables
        this.address = address;
        this.numBedrooms = numBedrooms;
        this.numBathrooms = numBathrooms;
        this.sqFeet = sqFeet;
        this.askingPrice = askingPrice;
    // = rent;


    public String getAddress() {
        return address;

    public String getNumBathrooms() {
        return numBathrooms;

    public String getNumBedrooms() {
        return numBedrooms;

    public String getSqFeet() {
        return sqFeet;

    public int getAskingPrice() {
        return askingPrice;

    //public Double getRent() {
    //  return rent;

    public void setAddress(String address) {
        this.address = address;

    public void setNumBathrooms(String numBedrooms) {
        this.numBedrooms = numBedrooms;

    public void setSqFeet(String sqFeet) {
        this.sqFeet = sqFeet;

    public void setAskingPrice(int askingPrice) {
        this.askingPrice = askingPrice;

    //public void setRent(Double rent) {
    // = rent;

    //toString method
    public String toString() {
        return " Cottage address= " + address + "\n" + " Number of bedrooms= " + numBedrooms
                + "\n" + " Number of bathrooms= " + numBathrooms + "\n" + " Square feet= " + sqFeet
                + "\n" + " Asking price= " + askingPrice + "\n" + " rent per day= " + computeRent() + "";

    //Computes rent.
    public double computeRent() {
        return askingPrice * .02;



Thanks in advance.

probably an error in your actionListener, or you haven't attached it to the right components, or you didn't check for the source correctly.
that's a lot of code to go through if you don't know what you're really looking for.

142: jrbNumBathrooms1.addActionListener(new DisplayButtonListener());

That's why your radio buttons cause the same actions as the display button

especially since you make no destinction of: what componenet was pressed.

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