
I have been struggling a little bit with an issue in a relational database that supports queries. Originally
I was going to use an OleDB data adapter and connect to an Microsoft Access database (created with Access 2000).
The problem is that when I use a connection string like:

private constr =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=yourdbfile.mdb;
Jet OLEDB:Database Password=yourpassword;";

I get an error message about MDAC 2.6 or greater needs to be installed. I have even tried to use an alternate connection string:

private constr =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=yourdbfile.mdb;
Jet OLEDB:Database Password=yourpassword;";

I still get this MDAC error when I try to open the database.

Then I started thinking about using alternate databases such as SQlite. SQLServer or Oracle type of databases
which require servers are probably overkill as there are only a small number of users of the database.

What is a good database to use that has good c# .NET support and is fast?

i personally use MS Sql Server 2012 with MS Sql Server Manager 2012, really helpful on joins and relationshipping tables.

as for speed i have a database with around 30 tables 24 ralationships and a ton of information stored and it returns almost instantly, no noticable delay

I get an error message about MDAC 2.6 or greater needs to be installed.

Have you tried installing MDAC 2.6 or later? While I wouldn't recommend Access as your database, simply because it's not scalable and I've had bad experiences upgrading people who started with Access to a real database, the problem isn't your database or your connection string. We get a similar error even using SQL Server when the machine doesn't have the appropriate components installed.

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