hey guys so i was thinking of how i would make a program that would state the alphabet from a-z in capitols then the program would change it all to lower case one at a time. btw i would like to use pointers

hey guys so i was thinking of how i would make a program that would state the alphabet from a-z in capitols then the program would change it all to lower case one at a time.

And what did think?

i have no idea how im going to do it

And I suppose you were hoping someone would tell you how to do it? Maybe even do it for you? Sorry, but here on Daniweb we expect a modicum of effort from you, so you'll generally get little sympathy for playing the clueless card.

Given your previous threads, I find it difficult to believe that you aren't able to write a simple loop, take string input, or figure out how to change the case of a single character. Hell, you could write an empty program with some comments on the requirements just to get a starting point:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    // Read a string
    // Loop over the string
    //     - Replace each character with its lower case equivalent

That's really all this program is.

So...please try again, and come back when you have something to show for your effort. I'll be happy to answer pointed questions, but "I don't know anything" is both too broad of a subject for me to cover concisely and it discourages me from helping you because you come off as a time vampire.

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