This keeps popping up

Here's the code for the things that need javadocs

import java.util.Scanner;

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 * and open the template in the editor.

 * @author ufe-c122-pc05
public class Lab2 {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) 

        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print ("enter first numerator ");
        int num1 = input.nextInt();//take in next input
        int denom1=0;//initilize denominator to zero
        while (denom1 == 0) //set a determined condition for so long as there is no input
            System.out.print ("enter first denominator "); //prompt for input of a denominator
            denom1 = input.nextInt();//input for next denominator   
        System.out.print ("enter second numerator " );//prompt for another numerator
        int num2 = input.nextInt();//for accepting the next numerical input
        int denom2=0;//denominator condition set to zero
        while (denom2 == 0) //set a determined condition for so long as there is no input for the second denominator
            System.out.print ("enter second denominator " );//display the prompt message
            denom2 = input.nextInt();//
        Fraction firstfrac = new Fraction(num1,denom1); //this creates an object using the first fraction class
        Fraction secndfrac = new Fraction (num2,denom2);//this creates an object using the second fraction class

        firstfrac.display();//display first fraction
        secndfrac.display();//display second fraction

        int denomsum=firstfrac.getDenominator()*secndfrac.getDenominator() ;
        int numersum=(firstfrac.getNumerator()*secndfrac.getDenominator())

        Fraction sumfrac=new Fraction(numersum,denomsum);
        System.out.print("The sum of both fractions is ");


 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

 * @author ufe-c122-pc05
public class Fraction {

    private int numerator;
    private int denominator;

    // constructor
    public Fraction (int num,int denom)//set the fraction to have the numerator and denominator variables
        numerator=num; //numerator variable declared
        denominator=denom; //denominator variable declared

    public void display()//a public variable that can be accesed by Lab2
        System.out.printf("%d / %d\n",numerator, denominator); //print out message stating input fraction parts

//    public void add()
//    {
//    }

    public int getNumerator()
        return numerator; //display input numerator

    public int getDenominator()
        return denominator;//display input denominator

    private void reduce()
        //integer variable to be the gcd 
        int cd=findGCD();
        //find the greatest common divider

        // numerator/=cd; short form

    private int findGCD()//to find the greatest multiple for the inputs
        //declare private numerator and denominator
        int num=numerator; 
        int denom=denominator;

        if(denom==0)//in case the fraction is undefined
            return num;
        while (denom>0){
        int tmp=num;
        return num;//for displaying the divider


What's wrong in these?.Sorry for sounding so frank -_- it's late now.Thanks everyone.

That sort of problem has nothing to do with your Java source code. The problem must be in your Ant buildfile. You should look to the XML to find whatever is causing your trouble.

also: based on the code you show, there isn't really much of javadoc that would be generated anyway.

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