in form1 i have this code

 #region MaterialSize Declaration
        //public static string materialtype = "";
        private string _materialtype = "";
        private string _size = "";
        private string _kg = "";
        private string _price = "";
        private string _barcolour = "";
        private string _sizeLength = "";
        private DateTime? _datemodify;

i want to get their value and put all in the textbox of form2

how can i get the value in form1? please

create a class called class1.cs

inside your public partial on both form1 and form 2 add the following
class1 myclass = new class1();

then you can pass information to your class by doing
class1.size = textbox1.text;

inside you class add the following
public static string size { get; set; }

then all you need to call on the passed variable on form2 is
label1.text = class1.size;

hope this helps
commented: LIke! +14

i want to make it as a private is that possible?

define a private and public property like this:

private int _age;

public int Age
        return _age;

        _age = value;

and to set the value of _age you pass the value to Age, or you can just do public int Age { get; set; )

commented: Sheers! +14
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